Friday, December 07, 2012

Life is a tad hectic around here..............

Well, it is definitely winter around here. We even had some snow. Not much, but some. And it is still there, but it is now ice, or it was before the rain started falling. At least I think it is rain.

Life has been very busy since I got home. Tuesday was a sorting out of everything day, and then yesterday was Jean's Mum's funeral in Kent, which meant a frustratingly long day on the motorways in stationary traffic, and thanks, I am quite sure, to many prayers, the roads suddenly cleared and we got there in time. It was a beautiful service, and I am just so glad we were there. On the way home, we stopped at Andrew and Ann's home for supper and play time with the small girl, and I am happy to announce that Billy is no longer cold. He has pyjamas and jeans and a sweatshirt, and that will do until they come here. He proved to be a great deal fatter than anticipated, and the PJ top was too small, but I slapped the dressing gown on and announced a new Judo style set of pyjamas, and she was happy.

The trip home was exhausting, and as a result, I woke at 10am today. I am getting old. And we have not left the house. I decided that I should make a start on the Christmas/Winter changeover, and so I did all the rugs and cushions, because they were downstairs, and then unpacked 3 boxes of stuff which were down as well. The ladder is inside as I speak, but it can wait until someone is here to help with all the boxes in the attic. I am already doing my hunchback of Notre Dame impression, and the tree is not up yet. So the next few days will be somewhat challenging.

I have hardly touched the computer, because since I got home, it has decided that "something is wrong so we have given you a temporary user account". Huh?? I want my old pages open, and I can get to aspects of them in a roundabout way, but I can't get ME back. Groan. I hate computer malfunctions.

So I am in a funk about that and it is not fun to sit down and have to start over with everything. So I am just doing the basics. It is all backed up, but that is not the point. I want ME and my account open. The sons may be able to sort that but their arrival is a few weeks away.


I am home. There is tons to do. And I have to start the Christmas cards, wrapping, baking, shopping younameit soon. Maybe tomorrow. And then there is the tree.......

I will get there. I am leaving the aqua classes till next week. I need a holiday!


  1. Yes, you do need a holiday. I am quite certain that you know how to go about creating one right there...slowly and with spurts and starts, but steadily. Nothing is more frying than computer eat chocolate and drink chamomile tea. How good to know that the service was lovely and honoring and comforting. And why am I grinning about Billy's pj's? Oh the hoops a grandmother will leap through...

  2. Welcome home! I'm glad you are taking time to recover a bit and move into all the "shoulds" slowly. I'm much more mellow about Christmas this year - adjusting expectations and consciously choosing differently does that. ((( HUGS )))

    P.S. And I slept in this morning too :)

  3. Oh dear, I do sympathise about computer problems. Take it easy though. You're only just home!

  4. Glad you got home safely but what a shame you had a funeral to attend on your return. No doubt Jean was very touched that you attended, though:-)

    Wish I lived nearer so that I could help you out with your decorating! Isn't it funny, though, how we notice we're getting older by how long it takes us to do things now? I use to decorate the whole house and the tree in one it takes me a whole day just to do the tree!

    As for computer problems...ugh! I always say modern technology is great...when it works!!!! Hopefully you can have it all figured out sooner than later! xoxo
