Thursday, December 27, 2012

Linds's Christmas 2012 Pt 1.........


I really did mean to pop in and wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and to say that I hope you all have a wonderful time with your loved ones. 


I never actually made good on my intentions. So here I am to say just that - I hope your Christmas was filled with laughter and love and that you all made some wonderful memories together. 

I had my home overflowing with my family for the first time in 5 years. 

It was noisy and loud.There was laughter and also squabbles. We are real here, people. I didn't raise my kids to be doormats and they most certainly are not. So it was a typical family Christmas! 


The girls - Diana, Ann and Missy - went ice-skating,and after a slight hiccup when Missy refused point blank to set foot on the ice, they managed to turn the penguin around and she stood on his feet as they took turns to whizz her around the ice. Andrew, Mum, David and I took photos and watched, and then retired to the restaurant and ordered hot drinks to thaw. They had fun. And that was what I wanted. 

My house is not big. In fact, it is small, but it seems big when there is only me, or only Mum and me. Add all the family, and it seems tiny. Thank heavens for lots of wall sockets and space to spread out a little, minding the toys as you go, of course!


On Christmas Eve, Missy's little friend popped in to play for a while before we all went off to the crib service  here in the village. Missy wanted to be an angel (every child can join in as angels, shepherds, kings) and she was not going to be dressed in her white dress. No. We were going as an angel in a shocking pink princess dress instead. Pink angels are quite acceptable. She had a wonderful time with her friend. They seemed to go for a walk in the middle of the tableau, but that was also fine. It was hilarious when the shepherds, and then the kings, paraded around the church - by the time they reached the front there must have been about 14 shepherds and 20 kings. Excellent. 


And here is my daughter with our friends, K and M, suitably attired in their outrageous Christmas jumpers. Ann was gutted - she wants one too! 


The family really liked the nook, and all our dinners were eaten here, except for the Christmas dinner, of course. 

The village square is closed to traffic on Christmas Eve, for the carol service out in the open. Up to 3000 people go each year, and the rain, thank the Good Lord, stopped for the singing. I don't actually think it would have kept anyone away though.


People everywhere as far as the eye can see. Lovely music, and great singing. Now if we could just get the young lads to stop their noise and join in properly, it would be wonderful. Diana and I went down to the square, because the rest wanted to stay in the warmth and get one excited little girl into bed. After she helped her Auntie Diana to write a letter to Father Christmas, and put out his mince pie and drink, and a carrot for Rudolph, of course. 


After the carols, there is always a firework display in the church grounds - and taking firework photos is not my best talent, I am afraid...............


And then we popped in to see some friends so Diana could catch up with their visiting family too, sipped mulled wine in front of their fire and munched mince pies too. Wonderful.

Once home, and after the world had gone to bed, I got the table set for Christmas dinner............


And I happened to be in the background when Father Christmas did his rounds and dropped off some parcels for all the good children in this house...........

And then, I headed for bed, under the tree. The next post will be a continuation of Linds's Christmas 2012....... Pt 2.


  1. Oh loverly, loverly, Linds! Your darling girl home again and everyone gathered in. (So you call them "squabbles"! That's a good name.) Hope that all such squabbles ended quickly without any thumped heads or the need of your intervention. [Now what are the boys doing to mess up carols? Rotten boys. Yes, I can say it. The crowd should have turned on them and tickled them to death or something. Perhaps have shoved marshmallows down their throats or tell them to simply move on. I can not tolerate any sort of bad behavior anymore; I sometimes even express my disapproval aloud. I may be turning into a "rotten" old lady.]

    Merry on! I'm sure that there is much going on each and every day.

    (Oh, I was going to say that where you folks have a place for your knees, in my wee haven, our knees often touch. ☺)

    All your photos are so lovely...a beautiful table setting both at the main table and the nook.

  2. Anonymous2:54 pm

    It 's a good job my super human powers include empathy and harmony that is all I am saying on the matter.


  3. Anonymous5:53 pm

  4. Hope you have a Happy, Blessed and Peaceful year Linds.
