Saturday, December 15, 2012

Such sorrow.....

Long into the night last night, I lay in bed, watching the news in utter disbelief. No matter how many times I heard the words, the numbers, the little lives, the teachers, it still could not be real. Could it? Oh Lord on High, it is real, and my soul weeps for all those families, the empty arms of the mothers, the dullness of shock, and the tears....oh the tears.

How can I talk of Christmas baking, wrapping of parcels today? I keep thinking what those parents are doing now, packing away gifts for children whose hands will never be ripping through the papers on Christmas morning again. Or of children who have lost their parents. Of men and women who have lost their friends, their brothers or sisters, and then,  going about ordinary life on a Saturday in December just seems wrong.

So for today, I am joining with mothers, women, daughters, teachers and people all over the globe who will be lighting a candle for those who died yesterday.And I pray, oh, how I pray for those whose pain is unimaginable.

God, please heal - help - the broken hearted.


  1. Indeed. What else can one do? It's impossible to understand how someone could do that awful deed.

  2. So so sad, so pointless, so evil. Is it guns, lack of mental health services? Who knows, but I can't even begin to imagine how those families are feeling today...and what on earth was the mother thinking teaching such a disturbed boy to shoot and having guns in the house?

  3. Sherry8:15 pm

    My heart is breaking for these familes. I love my country...BUT, we have to DO something!!! This cannot continue! I am so tired of the "politics"...the "game". I hate guns AND I hate that we can't get help for our mentally ill. We are the richest country in the world...but, we can't even protect our babies. So very sad.

  4. I feel so sad for everyone. As a teacher, the school is supposed to be a safe place for kids to spend their days and then this happens. I'm leaning hard on God's love and grace today. And praying long and hard. Your words touched me deeply, Linds. ((( Hugs )))
