Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Best of Everything 2012..........

I was driving home this morning, after a mad dash to get to the bank before it closed, in the torrential rain, when my car suddenly started spluttering and gasping, and emergency STOP!! lights started flashing. So I crawled home, tossed the shopping bag into the house and took it around the block with fans and radio off, so I could listen to the sound. It is either yet another ignition coil (probably) or a part of the exhaust.

Meet Linds, aka Mechanic.

Maybe not.

I am very well acquainted with ignition coils, however. I even have a spare in my storage compartment in the boot. Trunk? It is weird having to translate perfectly good English!


So I stomped into the house muttering about cars and how the world was grey and dismal, and how 2012 had been a disaster and a great many other things, and re-heated my cold coffee. (See? The world conspires at times.)  And, after leaving a message for my trusty car-angel, Bob, I scrolled through Facebook, and came upon Ann Voskamp's link to her (in)courage post about listing the Best of 2012. Books, songs, jeans, movies, risk, beauty find, link, you name it - anything. ANYTHING.

I just checked. At this very minute, there are 1557 comments, all listing something good which has had significance in the writer's life during 2012. From beauty tips, to devotionals, to gizmos and to recipes, best friend, challenge, drink, best thing I didn't want to do but did anyway, and the list goes on.

I defy anyone to read just a few of those comments and not to grin and start making a list of their own, and I have scrawled all over my desk notepad here. And I am still smiling.

Yes, I have a gratitude journal and yes, I write in it all the time. The lists are long and full of memories, but this - this is a different way to look at a year which , for me, has meant more physical challenges, more emotional challenges, more intellectual challenges and every other challenge you can think of and which has needed more prayer and patience than I thought possible. I am becoming a master juggler.

Here are some of my Best Of Everything of 2012 answers then.

Best book: Doing Life Differently - Luci Swindoll - I loved this book.
Best recipe: - Pioneer Woman's Apple Dumplings, which are village favourites now, as well as a firm family favourite.
Best Beauty find: Naked eye shadow by Urban Decay
Best gizmo or tool: The blade scraper thingy to get paint off glass (I have small paned glass doors) which I found in Geoff's toolbox. Wonderful tool!
Best devotional: Jesus Calling. I cannot tell you how often this has been seemingly written just for me. I love it.
Best risk: Flying to my sister, even though I knew the vibration of the plane would seriously hurt me. (Vibration triggers waves of pain.) But I got to spend a little time in the mountains, and I survived the trips there and back.
Best gift: Having my daughter home - I haven't seen her for two and a half years. AND having all my children here for Christmas this year!
Best drink: Black coffee. Costa's is my favourite at the moment!
Best meal: Lamb cooked by my brother-in-law. Perfection.
Best teaching blog: Attic 24 - all I know about crochet ,I have learned from Lucy. She has such clear tutorials, anyone can learn!
Best lesson: To be thankful no matter what life throws at you.
Best indulgence: Having my hair cut regularly

So many things and so many more already springing to mind. You know, my days are ordinary - I potter around here at home, in my garden in the warmer months, and in my sewing room. I play with the wood and the saws, I paint, I dream, I write and I read. I listen to music, I watch some TV. I crochet or quilt, or sew tiny dolls clothes. I love being here in my home. I am never bored. Nowadays, I have to listen to that P word. Pace. I have to pace myself, so everything takes a lot longer than it used to. Days, at times, but that doesn't matter any more. I have learned to listen more closely to the demands of the body. Stupid thing. I don't have to like it, do I. Just listen. Hmmm.

And then there is the gym and the aqua and sometimes, pilates classes. The head massages Glynis does. The adventures with Jean. The coffee with friends. The popping in and the walks and the allotment and the games we play trying to live frugally and to grow as much of our own food as possible. And flowers. Everyone needs flowers in their lives. And church and music. With earplugs, kneelers to stand on and other bits, but I get to be there, and that is what counts.

My children. Here there and everywhere. Skype. Text messages. Phone calls. Cameras. My Mum - she is a marvel at 87! My sister. Friends. In Real Life and Friends Far Away and Blogging Friends.

Life is so different now.

In fact, we - I - forget that the Internet is still in its infancy - just a decade or so old. It seems to have been here in our homes forever, but suddenly I can hear that old dial up sound. Do you remember it? Not so many years ago. So much ease of communication. Science fiction has become reality without us even noticing.

But I am digressing into what was intended to be my end of the year speech chat. So the rest can wait. Have a wonderful and relaxing weekend wherever you are, my friends. I will be back.


  1. Wonderful list. Really lovely. I hope the car is o.k.

    Happy New Year and God bless!

  2. This post is just what I needed on this miserable grey day, thank you. I am thinking about my own list now and am also going to check out the page you mention.
    Thanks again!

  3. Your words always bring me to a better place, a thinking place, a calmer place. Thank you for being the best blogging friend ever, LInds!

    And thank you for the little envelope that arrived in our mailbox yesterday! The ornament is lovely - it's hanging on the tree now. Thank you for thinking of me!

    Happy New Year! I'm still wrapping presents since we are having our Christmas celebration on Jan. 1st and the sickness interfered with my before Christmas to-do list.

  4. Oh no! You reminded me of that old dial-up sound...and ever so many other more lovely things. Are you whining about "trunk" to me just because I couldn't remember "boot"? =D

    Jesus I will check that out. I thought we'd be reading Charles Spurgeon this year.

  5. You always produce the positive.

    Lovely pictures of your family! They're all so like each other.

  6. Happy, happy New Year swwetness. You are a gift to me. I never get tired of reading your thoughts on papaer as they always seem to bring me that sense of calm I so desperately lack.

    I hope the car gets figured out- and 'on the cheap'.


  7. There is always so much to be thankful for in our everyday lives. I need to stop and think about these things more often.

    I wish you a blessed 2013 and I hope the car repair is minor ;-)
