Sunday, January 20, 2013

Winter. Snow. Cold.........

One can safely say that Winter has arrived in these parts. The snow has been falling since dawn, and shows no sign of stopping yet. Smallish flakes, but trillions of them. And it is covering everything. So, in the spirit of bloggers all over the place, my stick, camera and I ventured out. I wanted to take some interesting photos, but to be quite frank, I nearly froze to death so Mill Lane again was as good as it got. I had umpteen layers on and gloves and hat and all the rest, but I was walking into the wind therefore the snow, and it chilled the bones, I tell you. 

It also made me into the close relative of the abominable snowman. I was covered in the white stuff. And just as I was thinking I had lost the plot, the cold crept down to my leg, and it started going numb. I tend to think of that only in Switzerland. It doesn't usually happen here, because I don't usually go walking in snow here. Numbness means that for as long as I stay out, the pain is deadened, and that is a very good reason to stay out in the snow a long time. 

However, in the interest of keeping my fingers attached to my body, I didn't stay out very long. And now I am trying to ignore the thawing process. There is always, ALWAYS a price to be paid, people.


So down Mill Lane I went. I just went to beyond those trees on the right. Not down to the bottom. I would never have got up the hill again! Walking on snow in snowboots is a doddle for me. I feel secure and stable when my feet sink into snow. Ice is not good, but snow is perfect.


It was so kind of the young girl to wear a bright anorak! There were many people out walking - some as families and some with dogs, and some too, with sleds. This is what the snow does - it gets families out together, and all the young ones seem to put aside their technological gizmos and whatsits, and head out into the snow, with sleds, to have snowball fights, to take photos, to build snowmen. Fun, fun, fun!


I don't think the horses were having much fun though. They were huddled next to the fence, close together, most with their rear ends towards the snow - the prevailing wind. One didn't seem to get the concept, and looked at me instead. Poor cold things.


And here is another poor cold thing. Please note the snow. 

I need more coffee. 

PS: Mum and I are conducting an experiment to see whether tealight candles all over the place keep us warm enough. I have cupboards of candles. The flames give off heat. Therefore, there must be a perfect number to have burning to provide adequate heat, and in the mean time, the house looks very cosy and pretty with all the candles!


  1. I enjoy looking at your wintery photos. Our snow is barely hanging on since we had rain last night. It's crunchy outside.

    I love candles, and have bunches lit right now -- I agree with the theory that it warms the place up. Or maybe it just feels warmer :-)

  2. Anonymous9:29 pm

    I adore tea lights and candles and usually have about 30 lit in my living room. Usually I have my heating on for about an hour and a half, then I have to switch it off because it's too warm!

    Mind you my living room isn't very big so maybe that's why.

  3. Ohhhh...very snowy and gray. You are brave to go out walking...makes one know she is alive. Do let us know your final theory on tea lights and warmth. The fire is still working here.

  4. I'm loving the snowy photos in these last few posts. It just makes the world more beautiful, doesn't it?

  5. I am cocooned while you are out exploring and being active. I'm feeling (just) slightly bad for that! Love your pictures and your thoughts. I am off to light some candles. The -25 C (and falling) is chilly tonight.

  6. It all looks so pretty. It is fun to look at, but I am glad to NOT have to function in it.

  7. Snowflakes outside and candles inside...sounds lovely!
