Thursday, May 09, 2013

At last - someone else who wants to tell the stories of our lives...............

Ah, people, Ashleigh has written the post to end all posts about a return to story telling on our blogs. About going back to the way it used to be when we, or rather, I started writing so many years ago. Well, I never actually changed the way I wrote, because I looked at all the new-fangled words like "monetise" and "brand" and broke out in a rash. An uncomfortable one.

Ashleigh puts it beautifully. Please read her post.

There are times when I am so glad to be ever so slightly older than most bloggers, because with that advancing age comes the license to do what I want and to heck with the rest. I hate being confined. Restricted. This is the equivalent to declaring  my intention of wearing purple. (Missy will be delighted. Purple is the current favourite colour.) I want to just tell the ordinary stories of my days, my dreams, my life, my times. Not because it is wildly exciting, but because there is a certain delight in finding the extraordinary in the mundane. And heaven knows we do mundane very well around these parts.

Of course, no-one may want to hear about the laundry or the failure of the gem squash to grow into seedlings, but hey, this is my corner and we all know I tend to write exactly what I feel like writing here, now don't we?

I have talked about this before - the way we set about being the brave pioneers in the blogging world. Well, 7-8 years ago, it was uncharted territory. Those blogging years were personal times. Do you remember Heather and her brain cancer? And her beautiful little girl, Emma? Do you remember Angie's Audrey? And Kelli and her search for a kidney? And Scribbit? Boomama? Big Mama? Owlhaven? Linda? Morning Glory? Susie? Barb? Antique Mommy? Jeana? Shannon? Chris? Crystal? Heidi? Jewels? Chris? So many more. Not many of these wonderful ladies blog any more. That saddens me.

I lie. It really does so much more than that. I miss them. I miss the community of storytellers. Of sharing their lives. A status update on Facebook is never going to be the same. Births. Deaths. Anguish. Celebrations. Weddings. Divorce.


Morning Glory had the Alphabet Soup idea - we wrote random posts once a week, following through the alphabet each week, and did we ever have wildly differing words! It was a delight. I know single words can trigger an avalanche of ideas or memories, and that was what we were - are - good at. Being keepers of the memories.

There is no place for all those words ending in "ise", you see. I don't have a target market. Being human is enough of a requirement. Fallible, quirky, fun. I want to talk about how living out my days provides a wealth of stories, of both pathos and jubilation. Life is 90% ordinary and 10% extraordinary. Believe me, talking about simple things is infinitely more desirable than dwelling on the Other Stuff.

So, as I have said before, I make no apologies for the talk of gardens and growing things and village life in Middle England. Of church, and children, and grandchildren and friends. Of Alps and lakes and mountains and oceans. Of trains, planes, cable cars and flat tyres. There is colour there - even in the frustration of standing in a ditch beside a motorway.

So, the stories go on. Just as they always have..............


  1. I, for one, am so grateful. I remember those days too Linds. Remember memes? We even used yo give each other awatds! Please don't ever change. I love coming to this lovely little corner. It's just like stopping by for tea and a chat.

  2. I've said this so many times Lind. I miss the old blogging days and for the most part I have remained the same, and I know that most will probably read my blog and not give a hoot about my day....but I'm still there doing what I did.

    I don't like brands, I don't like monetizing, I don't believe in adding adverts to my blog to get revenue and I don't accept money for anything.

    Guess I'm just an old blogger.

  3. Thanks for sharing your stories, your life with us Linds :-)

  4. P.S. I think I miss Jewels most of all. And Gitz - but of course she has been promoted to Glory.

  5. I too prefer the stories!
    The income has made bloggers to be deceitful. Telling how much they love their readers and always coming around. My experience, seems it is a programme come showing you "I have been here" Via two such places I keep receiving spam. My activity can hardly be seen as noticeable on the internet, how it must be for busy internets I do not know.
    For me your stories are great! And I like hearing, or reading them.

  6. Ah, yes! The storytelling. The sharing life. The peek into someone's corner and feeling empathy, feeling kinship, the a-ha that comes with either being right where that person is or having survived to tell about it yourself. I miss it, too, and I am glad you have never changed, dear Linds. Comfort comes with knowing I still can virtually traverse the miles and sit with my coffee while "catching up" on your life.

  7. YES. I am so very glad to read the "ordinary" things. It's what makes us a community. People who care for each other and provide support, share joys and sorrows, and keep an eye out for one another. I'm so glad Barb has started blogging again, and that Bev has kept up, as well as Sophie and Melanie. They've even become famous!

    But, my friend, have been the one constant. I have always read you and will continue to read you as long as you write, or until I can't read anymore. You make me think, you make me rejoice, and you make me glad I have you as a friend!

  8. I so needed to 'hear' these words today, Linds! My life seems to have taken a turn on the fast track and blogging has slipped. I was debating about the whole thing - and then you wrote this. I slipped back into my archives and there were wonderful memories, captured for me to find again. And I am committed to blogging again. Now I need to find some energy to make sure it happens regularly!

    Thank you for being you and for writing from your heart. I never have to worry about seeing an ad that reads "five ways to lose belly fat" when I come to visit !! ((( HUGS )))

  9. Debbie1:46 pm

    Remember the old saying, "Save the best till last"? I always save your blog as the last one I read because it's my favorite! I love the stories of everyday life that you write so keep on telling us of your "mundane" days. We love it!!

  10. What Crystal said! I realised last week that I went a whole month without blogging. The less I write the more effort it takes to get myself started again. I know the next few months are going to be super busy, but I really want to make the effort to post at least a couple of times a week. I can guarantee there will be no ads or "monetising"! As always I love reading your your blog.

  11. Oh friend. John is laughing at me because I'm sitting here beside him, reading your words and the nostalgia of it has me in tears. Yes, yes, tell me of your Middle England ordinary in 500 words because you're right - a Facebook status will never be the same. So much love to you.
