Wednesday, March 04, 2015

A blur.....

The last few weeks have flashed by in a blur. Diana came home from Switzerland and had 8 or 9 days of doctors, physio, a trip to London to say goodbye to her friends, and then family all gathered here, and more goodbyes. Our friends came down from Scotland as well, and up from Kent, and as I said, it was all a blur. 


There was also packing and re-packing and packing the shipping stuff, and repacking the shipping stuff, and papers to fill in, and ...... a blur.


And then, last Wednesday, complete with a raging ear infection, she was off. We will not discuss the less than stellar treatment Heathrow Terminal Two displayed towards someone who had clearly booked Special Assistance and was then told she had to stand (with orthopaedic boot and crutches) for approaching an hour in a queue to check in. 

Heathrow Terminal Two and I have since had discussions. I am awaiting their explanation. 


So, my daughter has arrived at her destination. Never mind the jet lag, she now has infected throat, eye and ears. Just the perfect way to leap into a new job, feeling like the pits, in pain, and in desperate need of sleep. At least I know that she will be a great deal better once she heals. 


Ann, Andrew and Missy came up for that last weekend at home, and just check out this amazing hair do that Ann did for Missy! Fantastic! It was wonderful to have everyone here again - it will be a while before that happens again, I suspect. 

Since Diana left, I am not sure what I have been doing now I come to think about it. Well, I organised the sewing room, and then changed to Spring here, and then saw the shipment safely out the door to the shippers, and managed to tweak the back a little. Creaking is not good. Somehow, Mum also managed to tweak her back. The whole place is clearly falling apart. 

Our last Sunday in church also happened this last weekend - we are out of the church until the end of the year, for it to be renovated and changed into space more usable for the 21st Century. We will meet as a body once or twice a month, and then the rest of the time will be in smaller groups or out in the community, so it will be a time of huge change and growth. Interesting times. 

Granny with Isabel H-F

Then there was the trip to see Mum's old friend who used to be her neighbour on the spur of the moment yesterday. Isobel is almost 98. They had a great time together remembering things. The sun shone all the way there, and there was a blizzard on the way home. Bizarre. So today we are doing very little. 

Paperwork. Sorting out water tariffs and car insurance and STUFF. 

The sun is shining today again, and I had a cursory glance at the garden and retreated back indoors. It is cold. The garden needs to be sorted, and I will get out there when I can muster the will. 

So, I can see my sewing room. The house is quiet. There is an empty space here. 

I miss her. 


  1. That had to be a hard flight for Diana with an ear infection. OUCH!!! I know that you are going to miss her terribly and will miss seeing all of the children together.

    Your mum and her friend both look great. I'll bet they had a wonderful visit.

    It will soon be spring and time for gardening again. The months just click past so quickly these days.

    LOVE Missy's hair!! That looks so complicated.

  2. Oh how awful for Diana. I can not even imagine. Said a prayer as if that would help her journey now, but perhaps with getting back up to speed. And how you must miss her after all the glorious time she was home. Not that you aren't thrilled that she is following her calling and living her life, but soooo far off. Glad that it is the 21st Century and the world is a bit smaller now. Hope that your mom feels better soon, too. Oh these frail bods we are stuck with for now...

    Church sounds interesting...let us know what that is like. I remember the days when our church was being restrooms, no heat, a string of electric bulbs across the front. Fun times. Your situation sounds preferable.

    Glad for a post...

  3. Yes, I'll bet you do. Sigh.
