Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Making a difference

Today I am thankful for:
  1. Bloggityville
  2. Kate, who has a birthday today and who is on her way to Washington in the morning
  3. Friends who just pop in
  4. Hot water
  5. Progress at school

I stumbled on a world of blogging friends a while back, and oh, how they have all enriched my life. That is not to say that my real, as opposed to cyber, friends are not still the wonderful, special people they all are, but there are moments when I am alone, where it is so lovely to be able to log on and be a part of another community too. Today, the blogging world made a huge difference to the life of one special lady. Even though they are cyber friends, they are all real people with real lives, and, it appears huge hearts. I wish they lived close by.

The down side of blogging for me is that I know some of my real friends read this, so they know what I am doing and how I am, and then there is no need to call and ask, or speak to me. It is as though they know me, but I don't get to find out what they are doing. When we see each other, they already know my news. Sometimes it feels like they are watching my life, and then I miss out on theirs. I make it easy by writing. So I should have no reason to complain, I know. It is just an observation.

I started this blog when Diana went to live in New Zealand, after she started hers, but it took a good few months to get into the whole idea of writing a blog, and then it just grew. (Well, actually, she set the whole thing up and told me to get on with it.) At first I just knew her and her friends, and when I started looking for new people to talk to, I sort of had this explosion of amazing people right there on my screen. It has been an wonderful blessing in so many ways, and I have learnt so much in the past months. Laughed too. And cried as well. But then, that is life, isn't it?

I, like all of you, am on a journey. In a runaway train. Every day brings new challenges, temptations (oh heavens, those chocolate biscuits are calling....again), joys and heartbreak. Inconsequential amusement. My emotions soar and plummet without warning, and sometimes I long for a quiet safe harbour or life. However, I am destined to be on a rollercoaster, I have discovered. It took a while. Like 52 years. There are no half measures in my life. This is a post that is nauseatingly full of cliches. I know that. Tough. They seemed applicable at the moment, so you will have to put up with them. I am speaking. Where was I..... no half measures. But you know what, every night I go to sleep thinking of all I am so thankful for. And every morning I lie there warm and cosy, and my waking thoughts are about how much I have been blessed. At least until there is another roar that the hot water is off or that there is no milk for breakfast.


  1. I don't think any of my real life friends read my blog, and sometimes I have wished they would.

    After reading this, perhaps I am grateful they don't. I had never thought of them not catching up with me in real life being a disadvantage.


  2. Maybe your real-life friends will read this and realize that the physical human connection is very, very important. I have been inspired by your optimism and I'm glad I found your blog. I hope, if I'm ever in your shoes, that I will be able to find the blessings in life as you have.

  3. BTW, I noticed you read Owlhaven. She lives in my town and is friends with my eldest daughter. An outstanding woman.

  4. Anonymous7:17 pm

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blogspot and leaving a comment. I'm truly sorry you don't like tea, but now that I think about it, that means more for me!! Yea!
    I enjoyed reading your post, and can't wait to get to know you better.

  5. Anonymous10:10 pm

    I'm grateful for you too!

    Washington is very exciting.


  6. Stopped over here by way of Morning Glory's. My daughter is the one that enticed me into blogging, as well. Life certainly can be like a roller coaster, with lots of ups and downs.

    Love blogging and feel much the same as you and have been caught off guard from time to time with people stopping me mid-sentence with "I know, I already read it on your blog". Oh, well then...lol The chocolate biscuits sound yummy! :)
