Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Music and doors

In our village we have a wonderful music tradition. Twice or three times a year, we meet to sing something. It could be Gilbert and Sullivan, an original work by our local composers, folk or classical. Anything really. There are no auditions. You just have to love singing. Happily, we can all sing. And the orchestra is made up of local musicians, who just happen to include one of the world's leading trumpeters, if he is not touring, and exceptionally talented others, from 15 to those more mature. They are amazing. They have just a few rehearsals and are ready to go. So are we. The singers. The chorus can be anything from 40-80. The soloists are often local, but at times we have professionals as well. Enough background. We sound good. Morning Glory, your husband would have fun here!

Tonight we started rehearsals of some Bach Cantatas. In German. My friend/ local composer/musician extrodinaire/assistant head teacher/superb conductor keeps us rolling with laughter, insults us, and coaxes the most amazing sounds out of us. While telling us how Bach composed. I don't know when he had time to sleep. There must have been about 60 there tonight, and more will be there by next week. We are doing 2 performances in 2 churches, and it will be stunning. I can't tell you how much my spirit is lifted by singing with my friends. And the music is sublime of course. I nearly didn't go tonight. But I am so glad I made the effort.

Work took a very unexpected and interesting turn today. I have some big decisions to make tonight. Do I stay in a safe and tiny space, or creep through that door? I wonder. I think I will be creeping. I need challenges. Do you remember how I said I would go through any doors that opened? Oh boy, this one is cathedral sized. You could drive a double-decker bus through it. I have asked for, and listened to wise counsel. I have to decide. I will let you know when I have made the decision. As one friend told me via text tonight, everything has been leading me to this place right now. I know it has. But suddenly that speed is warp speed, after years of trundling. Someone is in a hurry. I just hope I can keep up.


  1. Anonymous11:53 pm

    Ooooh, I get to be the first!

    This sounds like so much fun! My daughter would love it -- especially the trumpeter. She's friends with a popular American jazz trumpeter, Chris Botti. She's definately a traveling fan, attending 8-10 concerts a year. I wish we had something like this around here! I'd grab her up and make her go with me!


  2. Anonymous4:37 am

    I wish we did this here too. How fun!

    And let us know where the cathedral door leads you!

  3. Oh the music sounds heavenly. My husband would love to be part of that.

    I'll be looking forward to reading about your new adventure. When you mentioned the cathedral door, I was reminded of the incredible beauty that is inside those cathedral doors once we step inside. Good luck.

  4. Anonymous5:39 pm

    Thanks for reading, and for your kind comments on my thankful list. I hope you have a great day, and a grand adventure with God when you step through those cathedral doors!

