Sunday, September 23, 2007

More Sunday reflections

A social whirl. That is what I have been caught up in, and it is lovely. It has been a great weekend, and I have spent a lot of time with David, and with my friends, and have not had to cook all weekend! What a treat. Not that I mind cooking, but I love eating out too! And I even managed to browse around town for an hour as well.

Today, we (David and I, and the babes and their parents) went to lunch at a friend of mine in a nearby village. She has the most beautiful home, and her garden is a paradise for children to run around in and play football and hide and seek. They had a wonderful time, and David was a star... he kept the football going all afternoon! The photo above is of the countryside at the bottom of her garden.

This is part of the garden, with the house in the background.

And here is an action shot of the babes trying to stop one of David's attempts at a goal. We managed to have a BBQ, even though there were a few spots of rain now and then. A lovely afternoon.

I am reading When the game is over, it all goes back in the box by John Ortberg and if you have not heard of it, I really do urge you to go and get it now, and read it. Then give it to your friends. One of the reviews I read said it was so important for young people to read as they set out their life goals, and then for the older person to read to review where they are going and why. I am paraphrasing here. All I can say is that I had very little sleep, because I could not put it down, and that has to mean it is good! It is. Excellent.

The trees are really starting to change colour now, and I must go and look for some leaves. I want to make an autumn collage. In England, people do not tend to decorate their homes for the seasons, and I think that is a shame. I know my sister does, in Switzerland, and although there are not many seasonal things to buy here in the shops, I am sure I can make a few things myself. Time. Here we go again. It speeds up, it seems! Where on earth has this year gone? And before we know it, the clocks will be going back too.

The rugby world cup is still on, and is reaching the exciting stage now with eliminations pending. England may just make it to the next round, if they manage to beat Tonga this week. New Zealand, Australia and South Africa are definitely through already. I do like watching good games of rugby.

So....... dinners and lunches out, good books to read, a happy son breezing about, laughter and conversation, a glass of excellent wine, the company of great friends and a chance to lie in this morning. A good weekend, I think. Absolutely. And England won.


  1. Goodness, what a lot of nice and interesting and thought-provoking posts while I've been too busy, alas, to read blogs much. Your house sounds nice and clean, anyway. Hope your mind is feeling fresh also. You do write well. Glad you've had a nice Sunday.

  2. Sound lovely and so glad you got to enjoy it all.

  3. Ah England Won! What more could you ask! Sounds like a lovely day for you.

  4. I'm so glad your weekend was full of all the things that make life so much fun. You deserve it Linds!

  5. Nice to catch up here and see all your photos! Loved these and the ones of your neighborhood.

    Good for you to just "be" and paint mental pictures--loved 'em!


  6. Wow, she has a beautiful view! Sounds like lots of fun was had by all. Her garden is beautiful too.
    Thanks for sharing it.

  7. Your weekend sounds divine. Seeing the pictures of your friend's garden just makes me want to hurry up our trip for next year. I love your countryside.
