Thursday, November 29, 2007


  1. The cake is eaten
  2. The inspectors have gone
  3. David gets home tonight
  4. It is cold
  5. I have not thought about Christmas shopping yet
  6. The tree is still in the box in the shed, where there may or may not be rodents. (I do not like rodents. I have been spreading out a lavish banquet of rodent dispatcher when I think about it, just in case.)
  7. The Christmas cards have started arriving
  8. I have not written my Christmas letter
  9. I have not got a Christmas list of things to do
  10. Can we please move Christmas a month or 2?

As you can see, I have my priorites all in the right place. I would have made another cake but as I have not been near the shops, I have no cake flour. Just as well, really, or I would most probably have eaten half of it by now. I forgot to take lunch to school, so was ready to gnaw on anything that was not nailed down by the time I got home.

I am still uncertain about work. I am uncomfortable being uncertain, if that makes any sense. I am not a ditherer at all. For some reason, I am holding back, and I never do that. With me, it is usually "throw yourself in the deep end". But enough of uncomfortable things.

There are so many lovely things to read out there in our bloggy world. So many places to visit and to join in with as well, and I really should be sewing! I have become the world's greatest procrastinator. I will make some coffee and get on with things. And just maybe I will think about the tree this weekend. That should act as a visual spur to get moving. I hope!


  1. I learned last year that one can still celebrate Christmas without sending a card of anykind... or without putting up a tree... or decorating of any kind for that matter. I didn't and still had a wonderful season filled with the blessings of loved ones.

    Rest my friend and know that if nothing else gets done on your Christmas list... it is ok! You are ok! It is about so much more than those things!

    I know you already know that but I figured it couldn't hurt to let you know there are other's of us that know that too! ;-)

  2. I could take some of that mumble list and make it my own. I'm not very prepared yet, either, but then it's not December yet, is it? I just can't begin before December.

    Don't stress about any of it.

  3. I feel like that too. I just dont want to bother. I didnt send out cards last year, didnt put up the tree, & no one seemed to notice or care. We still had our happy family Xmas.

  4. I will make you feel better by telling you I am not much farther along than you. However...I am determined to slow down and enjoy this holiday season. Whatever gets done fine...the rest isn't that important. We will just enjoy our families and friends Linds and rejoice in the "reason for the season."

  5. It's all okay - in the big scheme of things, does it really matter? - remember what we are celebrating - and rejoice in whatever brings you joy and peace. Those are my thoughts and wishes for you , my friend! This is the first year I've had time to start slowly and savour each activity or project that I want to do. Working fulltime truly wears one out and the extras sometimes look so daunting, I know. Take care - enjoy the last day of November!!

  6. I haven't thought about Christmas yet either!!! YET! And I love this season.

  7. I think it's because Thanksgiving was so early this year (ooops - I was trying to help you then realized you don't have Thanksgiving over there!). The ONLY reason I'm so far along is that we're leaving a week from today and I have to have our 4x4 group from church over tomorrow night and wanted the decorating done before that. And I wrote the letter and will try to get it out tomorrow - earliest ever!

    Don't worry - you've had far too much on your plate this last few months. I'm glad the cake is eaten - that's the most important!

  8. We don't start thinking about Christmas until after my eldest's birthday on the 19th December.... doesn't leave much time!
    I agree with momrn2.. Christmas isn't about the cards and glitzy decorations....The spirit of the season is what counts so sit back, relax, take a deep breath and allow yourself to listen to His soothing guidance as you pray over your unease...

  9. You are not alone Linds. I have not even made my Christmas cards yet and I certainly will not be putting up tree or decs. until at least the middle of Dec.
    I can't believe that youhave a card already and it is only the 1st.

    Interesting to read of how you feel about your job, wonder where that will take you. Blogging of course does course us to procrastinate on everything else.
    Have agood weekend,

  10. Anonymous8:59 am

    Hi Linds
    I've had a lovely time reading your blog! I can't wait to make the cinnamon cake ... also need to go buy flour though!
    Bit chilly in New Zealand tonight!
