Monday, October 20, 2008

Home again....

I am home. The washing is on and life reverts to normal again. I had such a lovely time with the kids, and slept like a log, which is a miracle. And I also have a few photos, but as they are from my phone, they are not great. But, they are better than nothing, so that is good.

This is from the village square with the falling leaves. The colours were so much more beautiful than the photo suggests but you can use your imagination!

Here is the student himself - he is happy and smiling, he is confident and has friends, and he seems to be enjoying his course. You can't ask for more than that!

My two sons and daughter-in-law walking along the beach front at Tankerton. The sun popped in and out, but the wind was cold. David never feels the cold. He is just like his grandfather in that way.
This is a pebble beach - I love looking for heart shaped pebbles, but not this time. I sat and watched like the old granny I am soon to be. Sigh. I feel as though I have leapfrogged from "get on the beach and have fun" to "sit on the bench and watch the world go by" too soon. Way too soon.

And now we come to our friend Vee - she wrote something on Saturday I think re the fact that I called her on the phone. What she left out was the REASON I called, although calling to have a chat was a delight in itself, let me hasten to add!

A while back, I was muttering in a post that my feet were cold, and that David had taken all the socks in this house with him when he went to university. Well, they were his, I suppose, so he had every right to do that! I just tend to borrow his things. Like socks. Anyway, Vee sent me an email the next day to say that she had ordered me some socks from LL Bean, and that they were winging their way here as she spoke. Now, people, is that not the sweetest thing????? I was so touched! And on Thursday, they arrived! Look! Warm socks which are MINE! (The phone has no flash, so excuse the quality here.) They are warm and thick and my toes are in paradise.

So of course, once I had her address, I could look up her phone number, and of course I was going to call her to chat and to thank her. Of course. So I did. We had a delightful chat, and I could assure her that my toes were no longer in any danger of dropping off. And now I have her phone number, I will be calling again to chat. Sending me the socks was the sweetest thing, Vee, and I grin every time I look at them. You are such a delight. Thanks again!

Warm feet. Never under-estimate the delights of warm feet.

On Sunday, we made another trip to Costco to get something my son needed, and I managed a couple of different aisles - there is still lots to discover. My brain was working over time multiplying, dividing etc as I worked out best savings on things. And I was the last of the big time spenders. I bought a tub of chocolate chips for baking. Belgian chocolate. I had such fun looking at the toddler things - they had some Carters baby things - I had quite a bit of American stuff for my babies, and remember the label. The toys! Wow! The christmas things! Lots of exclamation marks!

And that is enough excitement for now. I will be back.


  1. Welcome back. The socks look lovely and warm - you are right - that was a lovely thing for Vee to do. Don't be too surprised if they go missing when David comes home for a break (pay back!)David looks really well - must reassure you heaps. Sounds like you had a lovely - well deserved - break.


  2. It looks as if you had great fun with the kids. Yes, I see that David is happily in shirt sleeves while the others are wearing jackets...must come in handy these days.

    Your feet do look warm and cozy!

    Did you get your camera back for good or are you just taking turns?

  3. Beautiful pictures! I'm so glad you got to see your sons. And congratulations on your warm feet. :-)

  4. LL Bean has such quality clothing that I know you'll get great wear from those socks. How thoughtful of Vee.
    Glad you had a good weekend and enjoyed the delights (and lures) of Costco. We have a Costco about 7 minutes from our house. Quite tempting!!

  5. Oh lucky you, LL Bean socks! I have several of their throws, but alas, no socks. What a sweet thing for her to do!

    And you're not over the hill yet, Linds. Becoming a grandmother is actually quite rejuvenating. Being around newborns makes you feel young. Now when they become toddlers and you actually have to keep up with them, well....that's different! LOL

  6. Those socks look mighty toasty. What a thoughtful gift from Vee.
    After seeing David without even a sweater, I should think that he doesn't need socks!!

    It just sounds like your trip was perfect. I am so glad that it all worked out so well for you.

  7. There is nothing better to warm one up like a great pair of socks. What a thoughtful, wonderful gift.
    The weekend looks and sounds so nice Linds. Nothing better than spending time with family.
    Don't despair Linds. I think you will be keeping up with everyone else in time. We'll pray to that end.
    Have a lovely day.

  8. Blog friends are the BEST and so very thoughtful. I don't know Vee but what a sweet, wonderful, kind person she must be. The socks are very special.

  9. Fabulous socks!! I live in socks around the house all fall and winter, so I know how much you're loving those.

    I think that the greatest sport on earth is shopping for the grandbabies. You've got a lot of fun ahead of you, Granny!

  10. What a sweet thing for a friend to do! Glad you got back okay and had a nice time. About the grandbaby. YOu just wait--there's nothing like it!

  11. Glad to see you back :) Boy do you look cozy with those socks on.

  12. Looks like a fantastic trip!! Lovely socks, how sweet.
