Monday, October 20, 2008

One of our friends could do with some support right now...

Ok, here is a request.

My friend, Chris, from His Unfinished Work is in need of some support, people. She and her sister and their families have spent the best part of this year watching her Mum battle with the complications of a stroke, a failing body and add to that, dementia brought on by the stroke, and she has been recording their struggles and challenges at Post-Stroke. Go there and just read a few of the recent posts, and you will see how hard it has been, and continues to be.

As someone who had to watch her father die from a very rapid form of dementia, I know what she is going through, and it is a living nightmare, to have to sit and watch and feel so totally helpless. Her Mum has to go back to hospital for one last transfusion tomorrow, and then she is going to be taken back to her home, for as long as it takes. Oh, and Chris's beloved aunt died a week ago as well.

Chris has been immensely strong, and is bobbing up and down as best she can while the tidal waves are crashing over her head right now. I live half a world away and so help me, would be on a plane to help if I could. All I can do is support her in words and prayers. And you can help here too. Let's show her how we can stand in that gap for her.


First of all, and most important, please can you pray for Chris - for peace, strength and courage to sustain her, and her family. For her Mum.

And second, please pop over to Post Stroke, and leave her a message.

Thank you all .........


  1. consider it done. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to support Chris.

    You take care now.

  2. Oh Linds,

    You have no idea how much you've meant to me and continue to mean to mean through all of this.

    Thank you.

  3. Of course...

    Linds, you're a sweetie. Just thought you ought to know.

  4. Hi Linds,
    I'll go over and visit her right now.
    Thanks for letting us know. You're such a good and kind friend.

  5. I can definitely do that for her, Linds. So sad. I've been there and I know how sad it really is.

  6. I'll go right over and of course I'll pray. So kind of you to call her to our attention.

  7. There are so many prayer requests out there! Thanks for this one.

    That was so nice of Vee! I loved talking on the phone to you when you surprised me with that call at just the right moment.

    Please pray for Kristen - Thursday is her big day of freedom.

  8. Going now, Linds! You are truly a gem of a friend - from phone calls to prayer requests - you surround all of us with your love and attention. Thank you!!

  9. Will do, Linds. I have been there with my dad as well so I realize how difficult those days can be. Prayers for Chris too.
