Saturday, October 25, 2008

Time moves back....

Summer is really over now. Clocks go back in the middle of the night - winter is coming. I wish they didn't move back from summer time. I have no problem with dark mornings, but I really don't like dark at 3.30pm. And the days will get shorter and shorter now until Christmas time.

I think clocks changing was one of the weirdest things I had to get used to when we moved back to the UK. In South Africa, the clocks stay the same all year round, even though the country must cross a time zone or 2. And the other strange thing was having day light at 9pm in summer! My kids found going to sleep when the sun was shining really odd. Tomorrow, though, I will have an extra hour in bed, and that is always good.


Autumn and Winter have their own charms. This morning, my friends called to collect me unexpectedly, and we went to the local garden centre for coffee. The Christmas stuff is all out, and they have a wonderful display of different things. They are always unique there. I was playing with a slinky dressed as Rudolph. I felt my life was incomplete without one, but I resisted the temptation. It boings up and down on an elastic string. I need one!

It is half-term holiday time here in England this coming week, so all the children are about, and teachers are having a well-earned rest. My daughter-in-law says she is going to go and look at baby things soon..... believe me, I am way ahead of her! So is Granny 2B2. And Margaret, aka the Garden Fairy, is going to be a Granny for the first time too a couple of weeks after me, so she is starting to make plans as well. Such an exciting time!

My daughter has now been living in NZ for 3 years. Where has the time gone? Sometimes it seems like forever, and other times, just yesterday. She is having a third birthday party tomorrow with all her friends, which will be wonderful. The virtual me, wants to be there too.

And on a completley random note - proving that I still have a sense of humour here, I popped in to the library to re-activate my very dormant card. And the librarian said - "Excuse me for asking, but are you over 60? " Dear heaven. Things must be worse than I thought. I, being kind, said "Unfortunately not. Just think - wouldn't it be nice to have a bus pass and be collecting my pension?"

I need to work on the image thing, people. This could be an emergency.


  1. Hi Linds. I just stopped. I had to catch up after having been away. On your "E" list I had a blast from the past seeing Enid Blyton's name. My favorite books were St. Claire's and the Famous Five. I actually found some Famous Five books in a used bookshop in Joburg for my kids. I loved reading them aloud to them. So many good memories.

    I also find it annoying to have to change the clocks twice a year. I'm glad we don't have to do that. BUT it is annoying this time of year when the sun is coming up at 4:30 in the morning! I really need to invest in darker curtains.

  2. Your sense of humor is definitely working!

    It's hard to believe it's time to change the clocks again. I don't mind doing it, but I really miss the long daylight hours in the summer, when autumn approaches. For June and July we have daylight until 10 p.m. I will, however, enjoy my extra hour of sleep!!

  3. November 2 for you, I prefer my daylight on the pm side.

    Again, you show marvelous restraint...that librarian might well have been told that she should adopt a "don't ask" policy.

    Without Thanksgiving, you folks can zip right ahead thinking about Christmas. Even so, the Christmas things are already on the shelves here, too.

    And, would you believe that while listening to a blogger's playlist today, baking apple pies and apple cake, and the house filled with the sweet smells of cinnamon, and the sky outside gray and cold, on comes "Silver Bells" and so many more. I truly felt more in the Christmas mood than I will feel two days before the holiday. Ha!

    So you're giving phone numbers out, are you? ;>

  4. Third birthday party is next weekend, mother dearest. Quite pleased as the weather is pants. Typical labour wknd weather. Love you loads xxx

  5. Gee - my brain is atrophying too it seems - sorry, daughter dearest! You may have been gone 3 years already, but the party is yet to happen!

  6. Happy Birthday (a bit early, I gather!) to Diana!! Isn't it at special times that we miss them the most? Perhaps you could hop on down there for the party too!! Wouldn't that be the life!!

    My friend had a similar experience with the age thing as you did recently! Only she was asked if she was over 65 (she's 55) and she's the slimmest person you'd ever see. Her hair is greying but that's the only thing. Needless to say she went to the hairdresser's the next day!! And she's still sputtering about it, a few months later!!

    Anyway, enjoy the library card! Have you read The Thirteenth Tale? It's a mystery set in England - I think you might like it. And it's nice to hear that you are getting out and about and enjoying time with friends. Take care!!

  7. We took our pastor's wife out to eat at a local buffet for lunch today. After I got to my table, I looked at my receipt and realized that the cashier gave me the senior citizen's discount.

    I just turned 45 day before yesterday. Their senior discount begins at age 60. Yeah.

    Hope you're having a great weekend, Linds.

    Love and hugs,


  8. Hi Linds,]
    I don't think our clocks change tonight, but I need to check and be sure. The days are much shorter to be sure!
    I gladly take my senior citizen discount wherever I can find it!

  9. SOUP. You'll show em!

  10. I always feel that if they have to ask if I am entitled to a discount then I am going to take it. Plus....I am over 60.

    Time change already? They moved ours back this year so we won't be doing it tonight. I always hate that time of the year because it makes such a difference in the length of daylight (which is already shortening).

    Happy birthday to your DIL. Three parties...we should all celebrate like that.

    Isn't it fun to have company when you are about to become a grandma?

  11. I don't think they're supposed to ask that question! But I have to say that DC and I asked for our discount everywhere we go - we ask for the "old people's discount!"

    We don't change time yet. I wish we would get rid of this ridiculous thing we do twice a year! I remember when Sema first got here - she thought the world was coming to an end when we changed the time. Too funny!

  12. Look on the bright side - at least the library lady didn't call you "tannie"! I hate it when people do that to me. X

  13. I was thinking last night while driving that 8pm in the summer is a whole different thing that 8pm in the winter.

    That slinky Rudolph sounds like a charmer. Good for you & your will power. :)

  14. I was thinking last night while driving that 8pm in the summer is a whole different thing that 8pm in the winter.

    That slinky Rudolph sounds like a charmer. Good for you & your will power. :)
