Wednesday, November 19, 2008


This morning was taken up with helping Margaret cut out the quilt for her grandbaby, who is due a few weeks after MY granddaughter. She has started sewing the pieces together, and, as I am not really a "follow the rules" type of quilter, it has been a rather slow process. I am usually inventing things as I go, so the tops come together really fast and then everything starts slowing down as I start embroidering and embellishing etc. However, we are following a pattern and it will look beautiful and bright.

She happened to mention that she had seen the Hungry Caterpillar fabric in our local patchwork shop (yes, we even have one here in the village!) and so I popped in to see it when I was in the village. It is SO cute! We had the book when at least one of my children was small and it was such a great favourite. I am sure the next generation will love it just as much.

So the planning is under way. For Christmas. The making is an entirely different story. I need to get moving. I have a list. I have some ideas. I am great on ideas. Speed is a slight problem, and so is standing too long. However, we will make a plan.

Creativity is slowly beginning to re-emerge around here. Now to fit it in around the physio, exercises, doctor's appointments etc. I am a woman. I can multi-task.....


  1. Goodness, that was a quick comment! I'd only just pressed "Publish".

    A Hungry Caterpillar fabric in a quilt for the granddaughter? That definitely ticks several boxes in the "something to look forward to" category. Glad to hear you feeling creative!

  2. The creative juices flowing - what a good thing. Wish they'd start here! I am farther behind than you - no desire whatsoever to even start thinking about shopping!

    The Hungry Caterpillar quilt sounds wondeful - Needled Mom made one recently. So cute!

    I'm glad you saw the people from work - I hope you don't have to ever go back there and that something else comes up that is just right for you!

    We've had 2 days of incredibly warm weather, but winter is supposed to come tomorrow. We'll see.

    Be careful on the ice!

  3. I'm looking forward to seeing your creations Linds. I'm going to my Mom's tomorrow to piece together a top for a new quilt. I've decided to machine piece this one. The sewing machine and I are not friends, but I want to get this one done quickly to I can get to the hand-quilting right away. I don't understand it. I can do all sorts of handwork, but the sewing machine just seems to live to make me miserable. I invariably spend more time ripping out than sewing. So we'll see. Even I should be able to sew squares together. Right?....

  4. Ah - creativity - such a good thing to be consumed with! I hear you on the 'time' factor. I am too much of a perfectionist to be fast at finishing. And I always have way more ideas than time! I hope you have a great time preparing your specialities. ((( HUGS )))

  5. I am fairly sure you have enough creativity to - perhaps - throw a little over this way. Hate to fess up - but - I tried quilting once - an old lady kindly suggested I make it my first and last project - bless her heart - although she was pretty spot on - I was not very good (lacking the patience).

    Would love to see some photo's of your creative projects.

  6. I have no idea what the Hungry Caterpillar is. I have so much to learn.

    It is very impressive that you are so creative. I can't wait to see pictures of the quilt.

  7. You'll love the Hungry Caterpillar fabric as it makes such a cute quilt. The book is darling.

    I am excited about your creative burst and can't wait to see what becomes of it.

    Perhaps with all the "schedules" you will have to deal with, you will find yourself accomplishing much more. I function like that.

    Multi-task is right.

  8. My kids LOVE the hungry caterpillar, I can't wait to see what you come up with :)

  9. Hi Linds,
    Just stopped by to let you know that I've given you a blog award!
    Stop by and see what it's about!

