Saturday, June 06, 2009

Hello....remember me??

I am the old woman who lives in the rocking chair and the same woman who used to blog regularly. I think I have forgotten how.
  1. I have a cold.
  2. I feel like death.
  3. My daughter is in Hong Kong on her way back to NZ.
  4. I am exhausted.
  5. I am miserable.
  6. I have been to Switzerland.
  7. I finally got rid of Geoff's car
  8. And that precipitated a visit from the police at 4.30am while we were away because it was in an "incident". The neighbours were panic stricken.
  9. I am now viewed with suspicion by the rest of the neighbours after repeated visits from the police while we were away
  10. My leg is not behaving. This could be because I have done way too much.
  11. Pacing and I will never be partners
  12. My garden is growing
  13. There are loads of photos
  14. Missy is a star
  15. I want to be in Switzerland
  16. I had a lovely birthday - thanks for all the emails and messages. I was in Switzerland
  17. I had to say goodbye to Diana yesterday
  18. All my kids, and my Mum too were together on Thursday night
  19. I managed to walk miles in Switzerland. With poles
  20. It is freezing
  21. And I am in a mood
  22. And the building behind my house appears to be enormous. I think the floors of the garage and store room are level with the middle of my kitchen window. I am not impressed.
  23. But hey - I am back.

I will try to find the photos and post many. And I will also atempt to write now and then if there is anyone left out there waiting for the pealrs of wisdom to fall from my fingers. Did I mention that I seem to have a strange bone in my thumb which has appeared from nowhere? I also wish I could breathe. This is a major irritation. I hate colds.

I have had the most wonderful time with Diana. It is so rare that we get to be in the same place, and she has also managed to see the whole family, flop around at home in pjs, spend time in London with her old friends, and catch up with family friends. 3 of them have made special visits so they could see her, and she is totally bowled over by the love around here. And I have watched her, looked at her and tried to store up all the moments in my memory. And on film. I have not been near the computer for ages, and it will be strange getting back into the habit of posting. I have missed you all. Enormously. I don't know what is going on in your lives, and I will be doing the rounds to catch up in the next week. It is back to normal from Monday for me.

Provided I can breathe........


  1. Yes I have missed you Linds. But I am not going away any time soon. I am sorry for the utter exhaustion you are having and I hope it vanishes soon for you. It has been such a whirlwind month for you my friend. Praying the memories of Diana stored up in your heart keep you going until you can be with her again. Please take care and get some rest. (Yeah, right I know) but it sounds like you need some right now. Love you and see you soon I hope.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  2. I, for one, have missed you Linds. I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well.
    I know that feeling when they leave to go home. Such emptiness.
    How wonderful that you got to go to Switzerland though. I can't wait to see those amazing pictures.
    I think a nice relaxing weekend is in order. Take good care of yourself.
    And yes - I did remember that incident. Why does eveyone else like Dell so much? I get more confused the more I inquire about which one to get.

  3. WElcome back, and glad you had a great time.

  4. What a great way to catch up. Hope you feel better soon!


  5. I'm so glad that you are back and that you had a wonderful time with Diana! I agree - NZ is so, so far away. I'm looking forward to tons of pictures of all the fun. Now go and have a rest - take care of yourself, my friend!

    P.S. It's cold here too - frost predicted for 3 nights. My plants will never make it to maturity this year :((

  6. A very full post. I now know how my mother felt, when I moved away, &went to live in another Island, then another country. OUr time together was so precious to both of us. It is lovely you were able to have Diana for some time.

  7. THERE you are! Got your Tweet when D sorry to see her go! We'll hopefully be home tomorrow evening. Will try to catch up via phone soon, yes?

    Much love to you and the family,


  8. G'day love - welcome back to bloggy land. The list was great - seemed a good balance between snivels and blessings. You brought a tear to my eyes - but then again I am menopausal ;)

    Love you. Missed you. Hug you.

  9. Great to see you back! Glad you left the computer and just enjoyed your family though. I've not been on mine much either. Pray your cold disappears and some warm weather finds you. If it does, could you send some back this way? Many blessings! Susan

  10. Welcome home! Though I know you'd rather be in Switzerland. With Diana. What a month you have had. I hope your leg starts behaving again - or is it you who must behave??

    Well, gotta go get the twins to bed - you'll have to come over and catch up on my mad life when you have time.

    I hope it warms up!

  11. Welcome back to you and your cold. I missed you. Can't say the same for your cold.

    Hope you feel better soon and looking forward to the photos.

    Happy Sunday!

    Love and hugs,


  12. I've missed you Linds :) I'm so glad to see you back.


  13. It is good to hear from you. Can't wait to see the photos. Hugs.

  14. Glad you are back Linds. Thanks for visit. Sorry about the cold, seem to be lots around. Wonderful you got to Switzerland and above all so glad you had a wonderful time with Diane and the family.

    I know you feel desolate that she has gone back - hard for us Mums.

    Belated birthday greetings. Cannot believe a year has gone by since your last!!

    I was out in shorts last Tuesday and yesterday a fleece so our weather VERY changeable too.

  15. You have been one busy gal! So glad you had that special time with Diana. It must be hard having her live so far away so these visits are precious times. Do hope your leg starts behaving again soon, it must be complaining from all the walking you did. Take care and rest up!!!

  16. Of course you've been missed greatly! Trusting and praying you feel better soon!!!

  17. I can imagine how it feels that Diana has gone back to NZ. My Mandy isn't nearly that far away but I'll never ever get used to not being able to see her more that 3 or 4 times a year. I imagine you'd love to see Diana that often.

    You have way too much going on. Hopefully you can just concentrate on getting well and feeling better. You can always catch up with all of us again. We're easy!

    I'm sorry to hear you're sick and hope you get over it soon.
