Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Just garbled words today.....

The sewing room is clean. Ish. My son has his laptop again, fixed. There is a stupid man on Countdown as I speak who asks for a "continent" instead of a consonant, and it is driving me potty. The wind is howling round my house and garden and knocking things over, and Jean and Glynis have popped round at different times today. The builders arrived next door at 7am. HELLO???? This is summer!!! 7am start of cement mixers is not good.

I am packing. And turfing out most of what I intended taking. I don't know what I want to take. I do know that a small greenhouse is in my case. Everyone should take a small greenhouse on holiday with them.

So there we are. Fascinating stuff. David is pacing about waiting for a delivery from Amazon which will not be arriving today, even though he paid for guaranteed delivery today, and supper will consist of anything still alive in the fridge. And now I am off to water my garden and rescue fallen over things.

If anything really exciting happens, you will get to hear. But don't hold your breath.


  1. Sorry about Amazon's lack of follow through! Did you read my post about FedEx? They were wonderful! Check it out, if you have time before you leave.

  2. LOL How awful!

    Hope all is well and that you have a great rest of the week

    Love, Jess

  3. Sounds like a great time to get out of at 7 am for crying out loud. Don't worry about blogs and blogging...have great fun!

  4. Just keep those magnificent mountains in view. All will be well.

  5. Go back to your paths and your mountains - and leave the rest of the world to its craziness!! Enjoy every moment - and wear the same clothes day after day :)) I pack lighter every time we go somewhere! I hope the garden is not too damaged. Take care - enjoy the travel!

  6. I suspect you feel the way I do - it's perfect fine if nothing exciting happens for a while. I did some catching up here and you're right - it's very quiet in the blogging world, but you know, I think I like it. It makes me feel better about only posting when the mood strikes.

    I hope your poor brother in law is doing OK. Good grief, as bad as it was, it could have been a lot worse. It must have scared him half to death - all of you, actually.

    Enjoy your summer and don't worry one bit about how much you post. You're posting a lot more than I am!
