Friday, July 24, 2009

We got here.......

I am here.

We are here.

And the little red train chugged up the cogs to the valley in brilliant sun, and that was a wonderful welcome. We dumped our stuff at home and then went to see Marge and Peter at the restaurant, and I had a crash course in the art of making coffee and the cash register. The jury is out on this one. My mind is like a sieve.

And then the rain came down. Horizontally. Here, there is another aspect to rain altogether. It falls so hard that it bounces up and wets you from the ground up if you happen to be standing under an umbrella. Delightful. I also neglected to bring any warm jumpers, and am just totally relieved I left half my wardrobe here last time.

But the air smells clean and fresh, and the mountains are all around me, and did you see that Roger Federer and his wife Mirka have had twin daughters??? Wonderful! I have a feeling that we will be watching the Federer girls play doubles in 18 years time. Charlene and Myla.

I have just heard cow bells.

I am definitely here.

PS: Getting here meant getting up at 3.45am. I am a zombie. I also have a great friend - Jean took us to the airport at 4am. And thank heavens for large strong sons. My boy was a total star..... he pulled 40kgs of luggage along and carried another 15kgs on his back, and never complained once. I think he is asleep already, bless his cotton socks.


  1. I'm so glad you have arrived safely! The thought of the little red train is delightful - although splashing rain tempers that a bit. Good luck with the restaurant jobs :))

    And Melinda says thank you for the info on Federer - they are hoping to see him when he comes NY for the US Open!

  2. Oh it sounds so wonderful!

    Enjoy, rest and enjoy some more!!

  3. Do have the best time and enjoy that envigorating, restorative mountain air! Sleep well now...

  4. I am glad you are both safely there. Enjoy this time Linds.

  5. What a lovely image the little red train conjured up in my mind. It sounds like a fairy tale.

  6. I am so glad you got to go to your favorite place once again! Even with rain.

    I don't keep up with tennis, but gathered this was a tennis star who is the parent of twins. Twins are everywhere these days!

  7. Anonymous9:39 pm

    What a wonderful sister you are! Have a great stay! Vicky in East Texas

  8. Oh, have a lovely holiday, Linds. You deserve it. Hope the sun shines soon!
