The Happy Quilt. I put it on my mother's bed to take the photo. It is bright. Happy. Perfect for miserable winter days. If I were to become Prime Minister, I do believe I would issue an edict compelling everyone to wear bright clothes in winter, paint their houses instead of all the grey and brick around, and smile.
And now on to another project......
Gorgeous!!! I love it. I hope it makes you feel better just to look at it!
I love it!!
That would make the worst grinch feel happy. What a beautiful quilt!! You're so talented.
It's beautiful, Linds!!! I wish I had one!!! Wonderful job!
That iIS such a happy quilt, Linds. I agree that painting a little color would lift everyone's mood. We saw so few bright colors on our trip and that is exactly what we thought was needed.
Sooo pretty and happy!! Thanks for taking a picture!
Cheery and bright, just my thing! It's beautiful, Linds. Congrats on another project completed. Well done!
Love and hugs,
That is just beautiful! Definitely a happy quilt.
Linds I LOVE your quilt! It is just so bright and happy looking! You have inspired me, I think I will head down to my sewing room and start a project! xoxox
I LOVE the quilt! The colors are absolutely gorgeous. How could you not be happy when you see that? Happy Quilt is a perfect name for it.
Absolutely LOVELY. Thanks for sharing...it is indeed a happy quilt especially on these gloomier (looking for the right word here and not finding it) fall days.
What a beautiful quilt! Well done, it surely can only warm and brighten up the grey winter days!
Have fun with the next project!
I just picked up you must be ex-South African? Matric exemption and all...I am fully South African
You had better hide that quilt. One look and I fell in love. I am booking my ticket and coming to steal it. Would you mind putting the kettle on as well - ta.
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