1 August is Swiss National Day, and the Swiss certainly know how to celebrate their nation's birthday! It was a roasting hot day, full of sunshine and heat, and blue skies etc, and everyone was dressed in red. Everyone. That would include me. I do not wear red often. Not at all, actually, but then my sister came home with t-shirts for us all to wear. And caps. And flags.
We entered into the swing of things with vigour, because actually, if you blend in, no-one notices you at all. If I had worn anything not red, I would have stood out rather like a sore thumb. So we became Swiss for the day.

You will not be seeing photos like this very often, people. The reason for all the red was because of the concert in the village by a Swiss or German, I have no idea which, megastar called DJ Bobo. He whirled into the village and brought thousands with him. I gather that he requests all the people to come in red. One year, the stage formed the Swiss cross in white amid the sea of red people, and there was a helicopter taking photos this time too. The heat - did I mention that? And the suncream was being slapped on merrily all day.The village was heaving. I mean people everywhere. Families all out together, lots of laughter, fun, things to do, flags to wave, races to watch, bands to listen to, alphorns, bells ringing.......

And we had a grandstand view. The arena was in the carpark across the field from Marge's house. The sound of the rock bands echoing around, bouncing off the mountain sides was fantastic.

See all the red???????
Oh look....... there comes Marge on her way home from work!

All the tables at the restaurant were outside, and it was like a giant party. Such fun, and we met so many people.......

One of the special things which happens here is that the Swiss cross is lit up on the mountain. See?

And then the fireworks. Wow. The dogs were less than enchanted, but we sat on the balcony, listening to the end of the concert, watching the thousands, and then the fireworks. Our feet were falling off after a manic day, but it was a good feeling.

Happy Birthday Switzerland!

Ah yes, here is one more photo of moi. In red. So that was yesterday. Today it rained, and I think we were all relieved. Until I slipped and fell half an hour ago. Sigh. Ups and downs. They keep coming. Andrew, Ann and Missy arrive tomorrow, so the house will be full. Marge has made a beautiful nursery for the wee one, and she will not lack for toys either.
This is going to be fun!
Happy Holidays. Enjoy the sunshine while you have it.
Hope the fall didn't cause you any major problems, Linds. It looks as though you are otherwise really enjoying yourself.
Have a wonderful time with the wee one. She is probably not so "wee" anymore.
So how old is Switzerland now? Looks like a grand time, and the fact that you had such great seats from home - what a blessing! I love the red shirt with the cross, and the cross on the mountain.
I'm happy the others are arriving soon and you'll have such a great family time together. How long do you get to stay?
You look great in red!
What a great time! We had fun as well celebrating with a barbeque and fireworks. But we didn't wear red. I think the neighbors were a bit shocked by the Americans setting off 'large' fireworks on their holiday. But we can't get fireworks like this in the US. Enjoy your kids and the grandgirl.
I love days when everyone gets in the spirit of things! Have fun with Missy and everyone else. Such a treat for you to have everyone together. I'm sure you will miss D even more :( I hope you are okay after the fall. I can just imagine you hurrying around these days. Happy Summer!!
Looks like you all had great fun amongst the beautiful scenery of Switzerland.
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