She wanted banners, and so banners she got! (And do not suggest better grammar. It makes sense, so it will do!) We were there and she was a joy to behold..... Welcoming home one's children is something very special, as many of you will know.

And then it was on to her big brother's home, to meet her little niece at last.....

And I asked for, and got, the family photo. All of us in the same place, for a few hours, and that is also very special. The fact that I hijacked it and called it Mother's Day, made it even better.

And then Diana and I set off to Canterbury to return David to uni for his last term of the year. She helped him unpack and get sorted, in her own unique fashion - she says she arranged all his photos artistically on his notice board. And he took her on a tour of the campus and the places he spends most of his time.

As we left the uni, I noticed that in the shade of the trees, there were masses of bluebells, so Diana hopped out and took some beautiful photos of them.

Stunning. And then a few metres later, the city of Canterbury came into view. For those of you who may not know, the Archbishop of Canterbury is the head of the global Anglican Church. And Chaucer's Canterbury Tales are familiar to many who studied English at university! It is an ancient little city with an incredibly rich history.
So I am home again, complete with my daughter in residence as I speak. She is cleaning the shower. She has already been sorting things, like my kitchen, and she cooked a wonderful risotto last night. And chased the squirrels away from my vegetable garden. Me? I am sitting back and enjoying just having her here.
Actually, I am off to try and construct a "Keep the Squirrels Out" thingy with wood and netting. Nails and a hammer should do it. The saw is in the kitchen after all. My drill.....
Oh Linds,
I love the pictures and your family shot is so full of joy. And that "Miss Bump" is just scrumptious and getting big. I am so happy for you to have Diana home for this time. It must have your heart soaring. Enjoy it my friend and soak it all in. You sure have earned it. I love you.
Love and Hugs, Laurie
YAY!!! She sounds like a wonderful help and joyful friend. And the bluebells are awesome!
I read Canterbury Tales in high school, and I think I told you I think of that time every time you mention Bath - my project was to make a Wife of Bath doll. Beautiful photo!
Enjoy every second!
Just makes me grin...
Have a wonderful time together and let Diana do anything she wants to help you out. It will give her great pleasure to do so.
Love all of those family photos. You did well to get it accomplished!
How wonderful to have Diana home. It sounds as though it has been a perfect visit so far and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all of the fabulous family photos. They will be cherished for years to come.
Welcome HOME!
Now, my friend, let Diana take some care of YOU for a bit. You deserve it!
And LOVELY photos of the family.
What a wonderful family portrait. You look happy and fulfilled.
Loved all the pic's and aren't you just beaming!
Your son makes you look rather short - that would officially make me a midget (or small person if I should be PC)! :)
Aahhhhh, deep sigh. How wonderful to have your daughter home. She has such a dazzling smile!
Awesome photos of all of you!!! I love the one of Auntie meeting E :)) and the bluebells one is perfect. Have a marvelous time together!!!
Dearest Linds,
I've got a huge smile here, I'm just so thrilled for you that you have your daughter home right now:-) She seems so delightful and I just know that you will enjoy every minute with her. Loved seeing all the pictures, those bluebells are gorgeous!!! xoxo
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