It is official. My washing machine is no more. It too has expired. It filled up, and sat there and then pumped the water out. Gee. Great. It was nearly 14 years old though, so that must be 98 in washing machine years, given that they are supposed to live 7 years. (14x7 as in dog years....)It did well. Aiyaiyai. What next???
Remember when the dishwasher died? I can survive without that. Then the microwave, followed by the kettle. Now the vacuum cleaner and the washing machine. I am about to go back to washing in the river and carrying the load back on my head like the African ladies did. Or boiling the washing on the stove. Or trampling the washing in the bath.The old ways. A friend was remodelling his kitchen so gave me his perfectly good old microwave, so that was sorted. I bought a new kettle.

However, a vacuum cleaner is really quite important, if I want to have the slightest chance of pretending my house is clean. Please note the place where the flames shot out. Crawling on the floor with a dustpan and brush is seriously not going to happen in this house. I mean - can you just see me????? I think not. And a washing machine???? What do you think???? I thought so. I will have to get a new one. And here is the challenge. I want one with a good spin speed, but I also want a 0 degree water temp option. Like I used to have in SA long ago. And not one website lists the base temp they will operate on. So I do believe I will have to go and actully look at them. Pulling teeth has more appeal.

So instead of doing that, I took my washing to a friend, and then came home and planted stuff. And pretended all was well. Until the rain came down. These are the beautiful flowers Jean gave me when she got back from Kent, where she has been looking after her mother.

Hallelujah for friends who have just retired and who are around when I have washing emergencies! Both Jean (on the left) and Glynis (on the right) are now retired, and it is great to have them close by. Especially when my washing machine dies.

Diana is off (with the car) visiting friends and I am making more lists. Lists of lists. These are the beautiful tulips she bought me! I do like having daughters around. And now I am going to go and make coffee and then contemplate the chances of new appliances in the next decade. Perhaps.
Hi Linds. Glad to know you're handling any emergency coming your way.
Feeling some of your pain today as my vacuum cleaner has given up the ghost, too. Flames shot out and the motor croaked. Fixing it would cost as much as a new machine. I'm thinking that a Sears one would be very nice. My washer is new; otherwise, I might be tempted to worry.
Yes, you need a vacuum. Yes, you need a washer. Bite the bullet and shop once Diana gets home. You'll be glad that you did.
Still, I am sorry that it all happened at once...
And my! Aren't those beautiful bouquets!
Beautiful tulips. I bet they helped cheer you up after the washing machine died!
Appliances have a way of giving up the ghost at inconvenient times. Our 25 year old washing machine died while Andrew was in Tanzania!Nice to see a pic of mine sister too and the tulips are spectacular.
Bummer! We replaced all appliances this year pre-retirement, then ran out of funds to do the rest we wanted to do. Oh, well -
I am pecking one-handed - see reason over here, if time.
Oh dear -- such sad news!!! I am with you that a washer AND a vacuum are necessary appliances for a well running house. Good luck.
I love all of the pretty flowers.
Vicky says... It seems like several of my kitchen appliances and the washer all gave up the ghost within a month of each other @ our 15th anniversary. Guess what I got that year! Didn't matter..we needed them..when my appliances are working..especially, the washer and dryer, vacuum, stove...I feel like I can do anything. When one of my main 'spokes' are broken, the wheel doesn't turn. I feel for you. But, I bet Diana is a good consolation for you. Maybe she can help you to replace things. It certainly is an inconvenience economically speaking!
It does seem like appliances tend to go out in bunches of three. Bill is handy with most repairs on them except if they have the computer chips inside. So glad you have friends to help you with laundry, etc.
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