I have made 3 attempts over the past 2 days to post things. Blogger has not co-operated, and photos??? Pah!! it does not want to know. And to be quite honest, I am not prepared to sit here for ages trying over and over again when there is sun and garden and flowers and friends and TENNIS to watch!

We decided to have a Wimbledon Tennis Party on Friday afternoon to pretend we were there. Only here, the bathroom was close by, and we did not have to queue for strawberries and cream. So Jean, Glynis, Mum and I settled in for the afternoon. It was great. Hilarious at times too. Jean is a great Murray fan, so she had to sit on the sofa all by herself. Hahahaha. You see, I want Federer to win this year, so I reckoned he had a better chance against Roddick. Well - I know this is not very patriotic, but hey, I have been a Federer fan since long before Murray appeared on the scene, and that won't change. I loved Agassi and Borg and Edberg and Becker in their days too. Tomorrow will tell.

Everyone brought bits and pieces and we had a feast - home-made scones, and home-made jam, strawberries, cream, icecream, meringues and, of course, Pimms. It would not be the same without the Pimms!

There was a great deal of yelling at the screen going on as well. In a gentile fashion. Of course. And I am trying again to upload photos as I speak. If Blogger doesn't comply there may be sparks flying in a totally un-gentile-like fashion. (It heard me and behaved. Hallelujah!)

Jean doesn't know whether to eat the strawberries and cream first or drink the Pimms!
Friday is men's semi-final day, and one of the best days to be at Wimbledon, or at home watching. It did not disappoint. The tennis was great.

Glynis has her hands full, and Mum is enjoying her strawberries and cream!

There are no photos of me. I was behind the camera, or eating strawberries and cream. Probably the latter. Have you noticed how many times I have mentioned strawberries and cream??? That would be because I feel like some right now. And I ate them all. Sigh.
I may be posting less frequently for a few weeks. David's laptop expired. It is still new. He only got it in September, so it is under guarantee, and is being fixed. It may take 4-6 weeks. Groan. That means he will be sharing this one. Bigger groan. I tell you, when I get a laptop, I am going to put a password on it so only I can use it. Territorial? Oh yes.
How strange it is, you know - I remember the advent of home computers so well. We got our first one when Andrew was in junior school. That was back in the early 80s. Heaven knows how many we have had since then, but if you had told me that we would all need our own computers one day, it would have seemed unbelievable back then. Laptops had not been invented. Yet. No email. No internet. No blogging. No mobile phones. And now they are so intrinsically woven into our lives that we can't handle their absence. Unbelievable. I just stop and think, now and then, of how things have changed in my life, and I do not consider myself ancient by any stretch of the imagination. It never ceases to amaze me.
So I will remove my son from my chair in front of this computer as and when I can. He is 6ft 4" remember, and built like a linebacker. Or a prop in the front row of the scrum. I am his mother. He will comply. Insert smiley face.
OOPS - I nearly forgot! Happy 4th July to all my American friends!