I love flowers.

I love roses.

And I especially love this one below. It is called Alpine Sunset, and has the most beautiful scent as well as the most beautiful colours.

The warmth of the past few days has meant that the roses are suddenly starting to bloom. And sitting out in the garden, smelling their scent is one of my most favourite things to do. I love my garden.
I can see, and I am thankful.
I can smell, and I am thankful.
I can hear the birds singing, and I am so thankful.
I can taste the fresh vegetables I gather from the garden, and I am so thankful.
And I have the words to say to you - I am so thankful.
I'm glad your roses smell. I love the smell of roses, and if I bend down and sniff one when I'm out and find it's one of those smell-free ones, I get so annoyed. What's the point?
I find it comforting somehow to know that irises are blooming in my garden and in yours. (No roses since I pulled that straggly rugosa.) Off to catch up on your posts!
I have to agree with you Linds. Our gardens are like a little piece of heaven right here on earth. I guess rodents are part of Gods package too as he blesses us with these good things. I am so thankful too:)
Love and Hugs, Laurie
I love irises and roses! I have a lovely new 'Midnight Blue", which actually looks purple, this year. Lovely thoughts for a Sunday, Linds!
P.S. Your mouse story from yesterday made me chuckle! You are in quite a battle if you've already caught 6 - keep up the good work :))
Yes, irises and roses. Not that we have roses yet here in the north. But my irises are lovely.
Glad you're glad.
Our yard is too shady for roses, but our newly-planted irises are coming up in droves. Just gorgeous. I will be sharing soon!
Hi Linds,
Your Alpine Sunset is absolutely breathtaking! I'm so glad you have all that beauty surrounding you. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Right after I wrote about our beautiful irises, a hail storm came up for 5 minute and decimated them. Sad.
I'm catching up and I just read your post about losing your words, and totally understood your comment to me. But it seems that you have plenty of good words for us! I had to chuck about your charred pork chops! I fear that's what would happen if I were to do the grilling instead of DC.
The many blessings of a garden!!!! Gorgeous roses.
I LOVE flowers, too.
They are all over my house, too...either live, on my fabrics, in my paintings.
They are all over my clothes, my shoes, my purses, my jewelry.
My husband once said to me, "Could you wear something that is not so flower-dy." Tee-hee
Anyway, thanks for sharing your great pictures of your beautiful flowers.
Thanks, too....for sharing your heart of gratitude ~ it is the best attitude, isn't it.
Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul. ~Henry Ward Beecher
Blessings, dear one ~
I have to agree with you Linds
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