However, I can now get from one end of the top patio to the other without an axe in hand. And the garden bin is overflowing, as is the compost bin. I can't begin to tell you how tall the cosmos is this year. Over 6 ft. The tomatoes are ripening, and the beans are nearly over, and the leaves on some bushes have a definite autumnal look.
But enough of the garden. Hello. I am back.
The journey home was long. exhausting. We stopped many times, and there were hilarious moments like when David's iPod started plaing Rule Britannia, and we, or rather, I started singing at the top of my voice, and my son nearly lost the ability to breathe, he was laughing so much.
We got to Calais early, and managed to get on the early ferry. Sounds great, but in actual fact the wind was so strong that the early ferry was delayed till almost the late ferry time, and then when we got to Dover, we circled outside for ages. I asked the purser why we were circling. "Non, Madame," she said, "we are docking now." I looked at her over the top of my glasses, and said " I was married to a merchant navy officer for 32 years, and have been on more ships than I can count, and believe me, I know when we are going in circles. Apart from that, the lights of Dover keep disappearing and re-appearing". Hmmmm. We did not dock in a few minutes. It took another half hour.
So we were late getting to Andrew and Ann's place, and toppled into bed. And decided to spend another night there playing with Missy and resting. So we did. Perfect.
She is gorgeous. I know I am biased, but she really is just the best. And she has finally started relaxing around David, which is wonderful. He is great with her, and we took her to the park and played on the swings and let her run around. Bliss. She is not a baby any longer. She is a little girl, and the pigtails and the changing expressions on her face are just adorable. Ann took us to a local park for lunch, which was lovely and more running around was done, and then the rain started. It did not stop till yesterday.
We got back home on Thursday and since then it has been a major accomplishment to have worked through the list. You know The List. When you get home....sort the mail, pay the bills, washing, washing, hacking the garden, shopping for food, washing, making calls, sending emails, ordering medicines, washing...etc etc etc. Fun stuff. Hmmmm.
So here I am. Waiting for my son to rise from his pit and start his day. Mine is half over, and we need to go somewhere. Sigh. He will be back to uni soon.
Right. I need to get moving. I will be back.