Monday, April 16, 2007


I am sitting here just watching blanket coverage on the news channel from Virginia. Please tell me none of you have children there. My heart just breaks for all those families. What a senseless waste of life.


Dawn said...

This takes us in Colorado back emotionally draining days surrounding the Columbine disaster. What a sad world we live in!

Carole Burant said...

We were just eating dinner and listening to the 6 o'clock news when we heard about this. My heart goes out to all the families. Indeed, a very sad world we live in when we can't be safe at our own schools. xo

Linda said...

This is the first chance I've had to turn on the tv (my little granddaughter was here today). It is so hard to take these things in. The enormity of it - the lives affected - the absolute tragedy.
I don't know of anyone with a child there. I just can't imagine.

Susie said...

I actually went down my sidebar remembering where each lives.
Such a tragedy, and a waste of young lives...

someone else said...

I can't even begin to imagine the rage inside a person that would cause them to do such a thing. It's just so incredibly heartbreaking!

Butterfly Mama said...

It is incredibly heartbreaking isn't it. I just can't imagine.

Rita Loca said...

I had to post about it to release the emotions. One feels so helpless.

Crystal said...

Such a sad, sad thing. My heart aches for the students who are there - their lives are changed forever. I can't imagine being a parent who lost a child there today. So many prayers to say tonight. Be safe, My Friends.

Barb said...

I think we're all just shell shocked, Linds. It's so horrible it's almost impossible to believe. I can't imagine how a person could be so lost as to kill 32 people and himself. It's horrible.