Now that she is home and has posted about our meeting, I can divulge all and tell you that last Tuesday, I met a blogging friend for the first time! Barbara, from Ramblings from an English Garden suggested that we meet at Ashridge Estate, as she was looking after her daughter's home and pets near by. I live quite a way north of Ashridge,
We talked about anything and everything, and it was great to compare stories about life at sea with her husband, Alan too. We all love walking, and after a couple of cups of coffee and some lunch to fortify us, we set off on a walk down the ridge to a nearby village. Thank heavens Barbara has done her post because so help me, I had forgotten the name of the place. Too busy talking, you see. And taking photos. Aldbury. That was the place. I just double checked. We were both armed with our cameras, and took masses of photographs. Barbara has some super ones up on her blog, so make sure you go and see.
The scenery was beautiful, and the company was great, and Barbara is a total delight. Alan is as well. I cannot think of a nicer way to meet someone in real life for the first time. I have spoken to Barb and Morning Glory before, and I already knew how simple it is too have a conversation with my blogging friends. We have all shared so much, and do have a unique perspective of each others' lives, and meeting in real life is just the same. We already know each other. Just the voices are new. It is good. It is fun. And it is an added dimension to this new and exciting world we have discovered. 
So there you have it.
And loved every minute of it. So what are we off to explore next time, Barbara??????
"Poddled?" I swear, I love the expressions you use, Linds.
Isn't if fun to meet a blogging friend in person? I'm tickled pink for both of you.
Having met a blogging friend for the first time this past summer, I know how wonderful it feels to finally meet face to face:-) Sounds like you all had a terrific time and I so enjoyed looking at the pictures!! xox
It was a delight to read your post, as well as Barbara's. As I've already said I would have loved to be the third wheel but I'm a little ways away!!! So happy for you both and hope you get to see more of each other.
Gosh, what a delight to meet each other!
Enjoyed your perspective on the visit.......Betty
Glad to see you enjoyed the meet up as much as I did Linds. Fun to read and thanks for your sweet comments.
That must have been fun for both of you! Great pictures..
I'll go see what Barbara has to say!
Oh what fun!! I hope that is you and me next summer!!
I'm so glad! It is such fun. When Barb called me, I'm embarrassed to say that I said, "Barb WHO?" Good grief! I"d been looking forward to seeing her for months, but did not expect to hear her on the phone - and she didn't sound like I expected. I"m with Barb - love the British expressions!
Isn't this fun?? A new way to make friends! I'm so glad for you and Barbara!
What a blessing to meet someone with whom you get along immediately and share so much in common. It's a fun story for the rest of us to read.
What fun Linds!! I'm so glad you two got to have this wonderful time together. Friends are a really special blessing.
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