The other scarf - I am wearing it as I speak. It is COLD yet again.
This morning, I popped down to the Infant School in the village (ages 3-6) on a quest. Once, years ago - probably 16 or so - I traced their wooden lower case letters to use for applique. 16 years ago. Maybe 17. And do I know where all those traced letters are? Or course not. But, undaunted, I presented myself in the lobby and asked if I could borrow their wooden letters to trace again. I was armed with sheets of card and a pencil. They didn't know me from Adam, I have to say - well, not until the older staff appeared and had hysterics when I told them I last traced the letters 16+ years ago. And guess what - they knew exactly what I was talking about and duly arrived with the boxes. Success.
And while I traced them, I listened to the little voices, and the sounds of singing and chatter, and I was transported back to the time when David went there, and I was a parent helper once a week. It was warm, and bright and smelled of glue and crayons and how can my little boy be a giant now, almost ready to graduate from university?
Sigh. If anyone has worked out how to slow things down a little, please let me know.
Speaking of slowing things down...... I went to the Women's Breakfast at the church in the village on Saturday morning, and the talk was on Oberammergau. The Passion Play is performed once every ten years. Last year, was one of them, and then next one is in 2020. I remember going there as a little girl in 1966, and walking on the stage, and thinking that one day when I grew up, I wanted to come and see it.
So there I was listening on Saturday, and the though suddenly popped up in mind that I possibly have just one more chance to go and see it. For goodness sake, I will be 66 next time it is on. And given the decline in physical whatsits since I turned 50, 76 may be pushing it a bit. One chance left!
I say again.... where on earth have those decades gone?
Bigger sigh.
I wonder how far in advance one can reserve seats................