Yesterday it rained again, and we stayed round the house. I made a fire and that was excellent. I curled up on the couch with a book and relaxed. Today was cloudy at first, and I drove Marge and Anita to Ikea in Bern. It was nice to wander about looking at things here, and compiling a wish list for "one day"! Marge has tomorrow off too, so we are taking Mum to Emmen again. And hopefully the weather will improve for the rest of the week.
Here you can see down to the valley below Engelberg. For those of you who have been here, Grafenort is in the far distance. We took the path clearly marked to Engelberg, and it sort of arrived in a building site for a road for a while. Hmmm. We walked on and found the path again, heading steeply down the mountain, and it started raining as well. I was keeping a good eye on the clouds and the speed they move in the mountains, so we didn't stop for as rest on the way. When we got to the main road at the bottom, the trail we had walked down was marked closed for construction. There were no signs at the top, but it had red tape across and no-one was supposed to be on it. Oh well..... that is the sort of thing we usually find outselves doing! Oops. We survived. I am sure there must have been an easier track somewhere. We like a challenge though. Not intentionally, might I add.
At Untertrübsee, we hired trotti bikes, and zoomed down in the rain, past Gerschnialp to Engelberg, where we met Mum for lunch at Linie 8. Trotti bikes are like kids' scooters, but they come in adult sizes, and you wear a ridiculous little helmet, and can go very very fast downhill. They do have brakes. That is good as there are S bends all down the mountain, and then you get young kids flying past yelling "Achtung!!!" as they pass you. Quite demoralising, when you think you are going at the speed of light anyway. At least we didn't get so wet going fast.
I stayed on to help Marge for the afternoon, pricing things, and doing some quality control. And practicing my german some more. Now she is sawing and sanding, and I have got some coffee so I am going to be a slug for the rest of the evening. I will be back.
And with Peter in Austria, I have been walking the dogs. Naxos adores his Dad, so was deeply depressed when he realised he was not coming home on Sunday. Mum and I took them out yesterday, and we went to Linie 8, with Naxos dragging me sideways because he wanted to see Marge. Mum stopped there for coffee, and I ran (and I mean ran) around the lake with them, before collecting Mum on the way back. Then Nax slipped his collar so I had to catch him. And last night he ate the lasagne dish, which was cardboard, so was even more pathetic. Life is not dull around here at all.
Today David and I walked to Eienwaldli again with them, and they were fine. Except that I forgot to take their treats, so they refused to come out of the river for ages.The weather is ok at the moment. No rain, but not much sun. You don't notice these things when you are in the garage sawing! But in Austria, it has been very wet, and Peter arrived home 2 days early this evening. The trike is very low, and passing lorries nearly drowned the poor man. He now needs a special helmet, and wet weather gear. The leather is no protection from the wet and cold. He did mention wrapping himself in cling wrap. But he says it was absolutely beautiful. We need sunny days......I refuse to consider this could be autumn yet.
So there you are, so you can stop sending messages complaining that I have not blogged since Saturday! In between there have been chats with Anita over breakfast, lolling about on the couch in the evenings, visits to the shops for food, and at last I am starting to sleep. Well, after Friday night at the hotel, when the tour group on the floor above were still playing what seemed to be football at 12.30am, and I had to go and tell the duty manager I was about to become very unreasonable, sleep is something to be thankful for!
Hello.......... I am back. Yesterday we went to Stans shopping with Marge, and then she and I had to go down the mountain again in the afternoon to look for stuff for the baby, so 2 trips out of the village in a day. We didn't get much else done, apart from a coffee at the Boden at lunch to swap cars. No real adventures to report.
This is the End of the World. (Really.... that is what it is called.)
I don't think it gets more Swiss than this......
And David wanted a photo of this. Who would think of painting a cement mixer to look like a cow????? I think all cement mixers should take on characters at once. At least it makes you smile to look at them!
And they even put flowers on some. The big blue one was the best.
And then there was the cow. Meet a swiss cow. It was too busy eating to pose properly.
I did tell you life was exciting in the Alps!