I have been blessed by 3 amazing women, who have passed on the Blogger Reflection Award to me. His Singer, Dawn and Linda are all remarkable women, who have become dear friends in our small corner of the blogging world. All would have been on my list of people to pass on the award to, without a doubt. All have taught me so much about not only their lives and experiences, but also their unshakeable faith, and how it has sustained them. I hope one day to meet my blogging friends, and I have to say that Dawn and Morning Glory could be the most likely to come this way, (having a brother fairly close to where I live certainly helps!) and that fills me with excitement, and delight. I imagine that we would feel as though we had known each other forever.
And now it is my turn. So many. How on earth do I choose?
I know she has been nominated by Dawn, but Morning Glory has to be my first choice. She was my first blogging friend, and has been a delight to get to know. She has the most wonderful insight to so many important things in life, and her sense of humour and experience make her a lady well worth listening to. Her Woman to Woman forum, set up with Lei, challenge us to think and express our views, irrespective of age, and her devotion to her husband and daughters, not to mention her grandchildren, is a real model for anyone to follow. She cares, and has a gentle spirit which shines through her words.
Jeanne At a Hen's Pace is a fairly recent blogging friend, and she and her husband are about to move, as her husband is going to be leading a new church in another town. She has a wicked sense of humour, coupled with a shining faith, and a large family to add to the mix, and she rises to new challenges in a manner which can only be an inspiration. If you want to see an example of faith in action, look no further.
And then we have the most amazing example of how to make a marriage grow and blossom over 40 years right here in our blogging world. Susie and her dear husband have just had their anniversary, and her happiness just bubbles over. You want to smile? Go and visit her. She is kind and caring, and a delight to know. We can all learn from the examples we have right here, and Susie has shared both the ups and downs of her life with us. She lives in the real world, and it works!
Mary, at Owlhaven is another lady who has a heart as big as the ocean, and listens when God speaks. She and her husband have just heard that they are now the parents of 10 children! They have just received court approval from Ethiopia to adopt 2 girls, which makes a family of 4 biological children, and 6 adopted sons and daughters. How blessed they all are, most especially their children, to be a part of this amazing family. Mary makes me believe that the impossible is always possible.
And there is another lady out there, who is very special. Her name is Laura and she is the mother of seven children. She has battled with children with health problems, and the court system to be allowed to adopt their 2 foster boys with a grace that astonishes me, given that she is still so young. Her faith is an inspiration.
So there you have the five special ladies I have chosen. Can I just add that I could have gone on for hours. Each and every one of you has given something special to me in your posts at different times. How true it is that we never know when words we say may make a difference to someone at some time, without knowing how or when or why.
The award originated here. That's probably the best place to learn more about it. Here's what it says you should do:
1. Replace my five bloggers with yours and write a least a paragraph about each one.
2. Make sure you link this post so others can read it and the rules.
3. Go leave your chosen bloggers a comment and let them know they've been given the award.
4. Put the award icon on your site [see here]
Thank you, Linds ~ very sweet of you. Thank you for being such a faithful commenter! They bring me such cheer! :-)
I'm speechless! What kind and encouraging words to greet me this morning. I love it that you enjoy my sense of humor!
Thank you, friend--
Thank you for such lovely words. I'm honored. Deeply.
I have just read your last few posts and I'm reminded again of how glad I am that we "met". I truly hope to meet in real life next year. I've been thinking about you over the past couple weeks, knowing that you were coming up to the one-year marker. The things you wrote in your post last Saturday are so beautiful. The closest I can come to knowing what you feel is through the loss of my Dad five years ago, and the fear of returning cancer to my husband. Each year that passes is one more year clean of the disease. I count those milestones. I cherish each day with my husband.
I know what you mean when you say you want to be at the stage where you can just remember the man, not the medical details. That finally returned to me about Daddy, and the man I remember lives in my heart.
Linds, you really are special to my blogging world and I love the person you are.
Beautifully done Linds. One of the added benefits of this award is learning about new ladies to visit. There are a couple here I haven't met yet. If I can squeeze a couple more hours out of my day, I will go and visit some of these new (to me) ladies.
Have a wonderful weekend. The sun is shining here today (after a downpour this morning).
Congratulations Linds...this is an award you truly do deserve. Your blog is such an inspiration to me and to many others. You have the gift of writing and I always enjoy every word:-) xoxo
Dear Linds,
I was so surprised to find that you had honored me with this award. I am touched beyond words. I know two of the others that you honored and can honestly say that they would be ones that I would choose as well.
You've truly made my day..Thank you!!
Thanks so much!!! I am passing the award on in the morning!!
Mary, mom to many
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