I am not wildly impressed. Thank heavens that this is the year, I think, of universal mobile phone chargers. That reminds me, I have to decide on the upgrade when I get home. Or I will end up paying way too much on the monthly plan. Sigh. I do wish life could be less complicated.
It was -14C yesterday. I actually bought some of those instant handwarmer things for my gloves. That cold. I looked like a blimp with a green scarf when I ventured out to buy some wool. No, I didn't BUY the wool, I went to use up my gift voucher. The BEST kind of shopping! Oh the choice! The delight! And not having to pay!!
And, here, for good measure, are some of my annual photos of the fireworks on New Year's Eve on the BBC. I take photos of the TV because the sky line is so beautiful, and the fireworks are spectacular. And this year, or last year, I suppose, did not disappoint.
And now for something to tingle the taste buds..............
My brother-in-law made these desserts for New Year's Eve in his restaurant. He was fully booked and did a set menu, so great fun was had by all. That is a chocolate flower, filled with Bavarian Creme ( a creamy mousse flavoured with orange, I think) on a raspberry sauce with cream. We will not discuss the calories, but it looks stunning, got rave reviews at the restaurant, and totally blew his sister-in-law (me) away. My paltry efforts back home may need to be improved this year. I mean, I have my own personal master chef to teach me how to make things, don't I, so I need to make the most of it! He is immensely talented. And the eye appeal is simply stunning.
It tastes wonderful too.
Just a few more days, and I will be home again. How the time flies by.
As I look out of the window now, I can see paragliders flying in the sky. Their bright canopies drifting past the mountain peaks. Orange, Red, Yellow. Everything is white out there, and very cold, but the Foehn wind is coming later this week which brings much higher temps and there is a chance most of the snow will disappear. In the valley, at least. Not good for the height of the season.
But for now, I can enjoy the beauty, can't I. I don't really mind re the weather at all. The scene before my eyes is imprinting itself on my soul. I can take it home with me. The photos do not do it justice, you know. It is so much bigger. The mountain(s) in real life. And it is right there, so close I feel like I could reach out and touch it. Soaring high into the heavens.
I could use my sister's camera, or I could try using words instead to describe it all. I love the snow here. It is the ice I try to avoid like the plague. I seriously do not want to fall. And the pavements now are very icy indeed. The snow is carted away each day, and so help me, that exposes the ice. The thinking is that people need to know that there is ice under the snow. I KNOW THAT. But the snow makes it easy to walk, and when you are doddery like me, I have to be sure I am not going to splat. At least I have traction in the snow!
Right. I do believe I will wander over to Marge and have a coffee. All in the name of exercise. Of course!
-14C???? Oh my goodness! That is really cold. I know that I could not survive there, but it is gorgeous to see pictures of it from one hearty soul who ventures out.
I was thinking the exact same thing about that picture of the Eye with London spread out below the fireworks - magical. I almost expect to see Peter Pan flying out.
Do you get fed such delightful dishes at home too? I would never leave if I were you. Yum! I can see why it was such a hit on New Years Eve.
Enjoy your remaining days and safe travels for your journey home.
Thank you for showing me such beautiful scenes from another part of our world. Not quite as good as being there, but so lovely from my arm chair.
Oh cold, blistering, biting, and you're out in it. This amazes me. I am such an indoor person in such cold. I love looking at the shadows the mountains make in the valleys. It makes me wonder if people are drawn to the sun and glare or if they try to stay in the shadows to avoid it. I'd want the sun always even with the terrible glare. I think. (I imagine that you've been home for several days now. That being your usual trick. ;> )
Oh I forgot to say that that dessert looks like a bit of heaven to me. Hmmmm...
I'm starting so many comments with "Oh" that my word verification was "oblast." Don't tell me that they don't match the comment...
Living in Northern Ontario, Canada, we're used to those -14c temperatures in the middle of winter...I never wear a hat or gloves! lol
Oh dear, I do hope it's not your camera that's dead. Isn't it unbelievable the price they ask for some of those batteries?? As you say, almost cheaper to buy a new camera!!
Loved seeing all of your pictures, it truly looks so beautiful over there and I don't think I would ever tire of that scenery.
Brilliant idea to take pictures of the fireworks from the tv...now that I have a 40" flat screen tv, I'll have to try doing the same:-) Breathtaking fireworks and the skyline is absolutely gorgeous.
That dessert your brother in law made for his customers looks mouthwatering! Oh my, I need him to come live with me so that he can cook and bake for me to his heart's desire!!!! lol
Stay safe and stay away from the ice!! xoxo
What a beautiful winter view, enjoy it while you are there. And that desert ~ oh my!!!! That looks so lovely and I bet it was delicious too. Lucky you to have a man in the family that is a great cook!
I apologise for all the typos, people. I only spell checked half the post and when I read it a minute ago I winced. Oops.
I never tire of the beautiful pictures you share! It reminds me so much of the Rocky Mountains where we spent the last week - but the buildings are much older and more interesting. It was -25 here on New Year's Eve and still 4 of our group went night skiing! The dessert looks wonderful! And too bad about the camera battery - such a pain those batteries are! Are you staying on for a while yet? Keep on enjoying!
Linds - Are you sure you're not in heaven? It's so beautiful, and the dessert looks incredible!
The slogan for Engelberg is "It's heaven". And Engelberg means Angel Mountain, of course! (But you already knew that, S!)
Wow those are stunning pictures Linds, my goodness. I'm always so jealous when you go to the Alps LOL I want to go too.
I never get tired of the pictures, either. Those fireworks ones are spectacular, especially having taken them on the TV. It would be so wonderful to see them in person some day. I wonder if there will be fireworks after the royal wedding?
Thank you, yes, I'll have two of those desserts. ha
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