Diana with my sister and brother-in-law. 3 of my most favourite people! I love my family.

Peter (b-in-l) took Diana out on the trike. It certainly is a show-stopper. She loved it. So did I when I went for a ride a while ago!

Me in my forest. These photos are all jumbled up. But they will do. The waterfall is below.

Flight tracker is a wonderful thing. You just load your flight number - the one you want to track - and there are the stats for you to see. I know this because, so help me, I have flown every mile with my daughter. She is in the air at the moment, en route for Auckland, and then on to Wellington. Nearly home. And judging from her Facebook page, her arrival will be cause for great celebration.

Goodbye, girlie..............

My birthday feast at my brother-in-law's restaurant. Schnitzel. Totally delicious!

You have to look at that rabbit. This is the rabbit I brought back from Switzerland in my hand luggage. It is like a duvet, said my sister. Squash the air out and it will fit in. You had to see this to believe it. Diana took one look at my hand luggage which weighed very little but was rounded, and said "If you get stopped and that rabbit explodes out of the bag, I have never met you in my life". Fortunately the rabbit and I made it through with no complications. It was big enough to merit a seat of its own on the plane. And Missy loved it. She can snuggle up with it for years to come. And that is Mother - before the Unfortunate Incident With The Steps.

I have to tell you about today's disaster. Mother, out in the garden with me, tripped and fell up the steps. UP the steps. She now looks as though she has gone 10 rounds with Mike Tyson, and I will be waking her every hour of the night to check she is alive and well. She broke her glasses, and bashed her head, and the glasses grazed her cheek, nose and lip, and not to mention the leg being scraped, or the giant egg on her grazed forehead....... Tomorrow she will be all the colours of the rainbow. Gee. I look after my 83 year old mother well. I took her to the doctor and they checked her out and I just have to watch her. She is now banned from the garden. Or the steps anyway. This house is a disaster zone. Sigh. So let's look at Swiss photos again........
I love all the pictures. And you look sooo happy to be with your family! Sorry that your mom had a spill. That happened to my mother-in-law in Scotland - her husband got a ribbing when they returned home.
I need to get to Engelberg again - may take friends or family in August - all of a sudden, it sounds like we will have visitors for several weeks right as school starts. But I never turn away visitors.
I load only 3 -4 pics at a time now and Blogger seems happier.
Take care and wonderful to see the smile on your face! Susan
What a wonderful trip. I'm glad Diana is almost home. Sorry about your mom! I'm thankful she didn't break anything.
Oh Linds, these are all such lovely photos. You look wonderful! I'm glad you're back blogging. I've missed you.
Linds, I am so sorry your mom got hurt. Please tell her I am praying she mends very soon. Loved seeing all the family closeness, and the beautiful outdoors.
I love your pictures. Someday I want to walk the trails in Switzerland with you, my friend. That trike looks like quite the rig! So sorry about your Mom - praying she recovers and doesn't have any more encounters with stairs. Has she come to stay with you awhile then? And Missy - oh, my - she's growing up! Funny funny rabbit coming home with you :)) Please share more pictures - if you can stand the process! Have a lovely week.
oh me, oh my! I would like to take this opportunity to invite your mum to come over and stay with me - I have no steps.
You look lovely my dear - really happy and just beaming.
Now go and make your mum a cuppa ;)
Hope your Mother is feeling much improved.
Wonderful photos Linds. Thanks for sharing.
Switzerland is as beautiful in the spring as it is in the winter - just lovely Linds.
I'm so sorry about your Mom. I hope she heals up quickly with no complications.
My Granddaughter had (well still has) a bear the same size as that bunny. When she was little, she literally took it everywhere they went. There were times you couldn't see her for the big bear in her lap. It's great fun!
Hello dear Linds:-)
I'm afraid I've somewhat been MIA as well lately! lol There has been so much to do in the garden and yard, some days I haven't had the computer on at all...gasp! Never thought that would ever happen!! hehe
Sounds like you've been VERY busy but oh what fun you had with Diana while she was visiting. I can feel your sadness, though, at having to say goodbye to her. I go through that every time with my boys. Sigh!
Your poor mom, I do hope she heals quickly but at that age, it's not as easy to bounce back. Thank goodness she didn't break anything except her glasses!!
I so enjoyed looking at all your photos and you really make me want to go to Switzerland...what awesome scenery!!!
Glad you're back and hope that cold goes away real soon! xoxo
Just gorgeous pictures. I especially like the one of the cows grazing beside the waterway. You do have an eye for good photo opportunities! The ones of you are very good too, as Pea said you look very happy! So sorry about your Mom taking a header. My Mom did that a while back and landed on her glasses too. She is back okay now though and I do hope your Mom recovers quickly. So glad that she didn't break anything! Great post my friend!!!
Great pictures. Give my love to your mom and hope that she heals soon.
Lovely photo of you in the forest Linds.
"The Bump" is certainly growing! Beautiful.
Lovely photos. Hope your mum gets better asap. That's a big bunny! And a beautiful baby.
Your poor mother! Thank goodness she was hurt any more badly, but I know you must feel awful. She's the same age as my dad and I can't imagine him falling "up" the steps.
Good heavens, look at that motorcycle. I've never seen anything like that. I imagine that WAS a lot of fun to ride around on. If you were brave enough. Which I'm not. LOL
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