This is summer. This is England. And the sun is still shining, so things are good.

David and I went to water the allotment this morning, and Mum came along to see the progress. I can't claim to be responsible for much, apart for some of the plants I grew from seed. David has done some of the digging, and I did try some hoeing and weeding back a few months ago, which was not clever. At all. And clearly is not part of the general idea of what I should be doing.

But it is still The Allotment. My allotment. Geoff's Allotment. And my friends, Margaret and Derek, and John, have done most of the work. Geoff would have been thrilled at the way it looks now. On Saturday, it will be 3 years since he was admitted to the hospital with a heart which was falling apart. 10 days later, he died. It seems just like yesterday, you know.
And every year, as we get close to the start of July, I am reminded of how beautiful the garden looked on the day of his funeral, when all our friends came back here after it was over. It looked just as beautiful exactly 6 years before that too, when Dad died.
Anyway. Now it has masses of vegetables too. I have picked the first zucchini, and will pick peas this weekend. And the spinach and lettuce just keep coming! Not to mention the 47000 tomato plants I seem to have grown. They are multiplying at night, I am convinced, but have yet to grow tomatoes. Masses of flowers though. And did I tell you about the gem squash plant which is wandering all over my driveway?? Please ignore me if I repeat myself. Memory is also part of CRPS. The lack of memory, that is.

Have a look at this hanging basket. It is not a stunning photo, but I wanted you to see the lettuce (ever-lasting lettuce - you keep picking the leaves you want for each meal, and it keeps growing) and there in the centre, is a small rosemary plant. Together with the flowers. I have about 7 lettuces in the hanging baskets and then more in pots. It is SO easy! Parsley also looks great in hanging baskets. I have gone for total colour this year, and when they are all in bloom, I will show you more photos.
The strawberries and cream are ready and waiting. Maybe tomorrow, I think. Meringues too. I went to aqua today and worked incredibly hard, so tomorrow will be a floppy day. I may even relax in my garden.....
One of my fondest English memories is the fresh raspberry with meringue and cream....ahhhhh....heaven.
The allotment looks stunning and is certainly beneficial. There is absolutely nothing like the fresh produce and I love it in with the flowers.
I'll be remembering you during these difficult days ahead, Linds.
Your garden is wonderful!!! And very far ahead of ours - but that's life in another part of the world! Enjoy the fresh tastes and all your beautiful flowers. I wish I could come for strawberries and cream - someday, my friend!
I'll be thinking of you and sending extra prayers and 'hugs' this weekend. So many memories and so much to re-think. ((( HUGS )))
My goodness - three years already. I remember when MG told in her blog about finding you. I am so glad she did and that we can encourage you on this journey to answers that seems to be lasting so long.
You garden is just beautiful - I remember the first year we were in touch, it didn't do so well. I am glad you are realizing that you can't do the work in there, and that you have those good friends and family who will do it for you.
If you need a pick-me-up, come over and see the littles as they're learning to explore their world on their little feet.
Your flowers and plants are lovely. So glad things are growing so nicely.
Will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers as you go through this "anniversary" time. Hang in there.
You are a lovely, creative gardener. It all looks so lush and colorful.
Strawberries and cream sound just like what the doctor ordered - along with that relaxing thing.
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