- Cooler days
- Rain for the garden
- 2 sons who have been a great help in different ways
- Daughter's safe arrival back in NZ
- A reminder that people are more important than things
There is a MOUSE in the garden shed. I do not do mice. Where are men when you need mice evicted? I am not into humane things when it comes to rodents. I went to get a chair in a bag thing from the shed, and so help me, this grey (little) thing shot out the top and over my shoulder and ran away. To my credit, I did not scream. I just zapped inside and bolted the doors. I need industrial strength mouse dispatching stuff. I don't care that it was little and probably a field mouse and some might think cute. Tough. It probably has a very large mother and father lurking somewhere like Jaws.
I think you mouse in your picture has an obesity problem. Saddlebags that Trinny would be proud of
The other photos were poxy little things. And it grows larger the more I think about it. This one is just fine, thank you. It will soon be an ex mouse. Hah!
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