I went for a walk along the river this afternoon, through the fields in the valley close to where I live.

I saw this field of poppies on the way home from church this morning, so I just had to go back and take some photos. I managed to walk up the edge of the field so I was right there in the midst of them, and it was just beautiful. Even though the skies were grey.

I've just read several of your posts at once and just wanted to send you my sympathy and admiration for your stoicism and wisdom. You really sound a lovely person.
Those pupils - I was a comprehensive teacher for 6 years before I had the children, and I remember it well. People who don't teach have absolutely no idea how appallingly behaved some kids can be - and how difficult it is to manage them.
I had a really difficult class this year (luckily you don't get that many in FE) and one day, just after my dad had died, I got a bit weepy - and they were SO repentant! Clearly it wasn't me they were getting at, just life. They've been eating out of my hand since.
How do you manage to have a slug-free hosta??
Oh dear, I must go and have my bath (bliss, yes, and absolutely essential).
Hope your back improves soon and those difficult days pass for now.
Oh Linds, those poppies are spectacular!! All the pictures look like pages from a calendar.
Linda, you live in an idyllic area. It justifies all my dreams of what England is really like. Thanks so much for sharing your walk. It was just lovely.
I actually do know that you are Linds and I am Linda. It must be the hour.
I'm so glad you got that camera because you blessed me today with these pictures. The poppys are beautiful!! And I love sheep--because we are the sheep of His pasture and His sheep hear His voice and no other voice do they hear. Praise God!!!
What beautiful fields you have in your area! Your pictures just make me want to come for a lovely long visit!! I'm glad you have that wonderful new camera :))
Those poppys are just gorgeous. They look to be a deeper orange/red than California poppys. I love the top picture with the rive and sheep too.
You live in such a scenic area!!
Stunning is right! The pastoral picture of the sheep on the hills is wonderful. My brother is there right now - I must return someday soon!
I am glad you're feeling better. Love the rose pictures and the thought of the wonderful scents. We have little luck with roses because we planted so many trees that we have very little sunny space any more (you probably saw that on a recent post). But keep the pictures coming! IT is such fun to see everyone's pictures of their yards and the area where they live. Kinda like a travelogue right here at the computer.
Have a good week!
What beautiful pics you shared with us! And I just love your healthy Hosta- mine is all eaten by some greedy snails. And that rose- heavenly!
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