Monday, January 02, 2012

A goal or two......

I have decided to do a photo project 365 this year, only it is now a project 366 because it is leap year. I had forgotten. It doesn't have quite the same ring, does it? Project 366. It reminds me of what my kids called "The Monkey Movie" (Project X). (I am word perfect.) Anyway, back to the photos.  I know quite a few of you have done it before, and what I would like to know is this - did you just do it yourself, or did you link to any group? Anyone?

I love taking photos, so it should be relatively simple to keep up.

Well, it is a GOAL, people. I told you I was going to set some goals, didn't I?

As it is now 2/1/12, I can assure you that I have 2 photos sorted. I am on the ball. Today involved some ice hacking. So there is a splendid photo of the ice hacker thingy. It will trigger all sorts of memories of watching my son hack ice. Yesterday's photo was of fireworks.

Another idea I decided to embark on is a 5 (or more) year diary. Not a normal diary  I actually gave one of these to Glynis the Christmas before last, and she loved it. It is called a One Line a Day Diary, and one line is all you write, and as the years go by, you automatically look back up the page to see what was happening in your life on that particular day one two three years ago. A memory book. It should be really interesting and a lot of fun too.

Some people use index cards. Others buy the book, and then there is me. I have a new notebook with 366 pages in it. More, actually. I checked. It has to last a few years, so I want it to be strong enough!

So when I travel anywhere, I am now going to need a separate case for the books and notebooks and journals - don't forget the gratitude journal. That has to fit in as well. And this in the era of kindles, laptops, iPhones, iPads etc. How ironic. Just as well I have perfected the art of travelling light. I am very good at being ruthless re clothing options! But not so good at the books and associated paraphernalia.

My sister gave me one of those Granny tell me kind of books, you see, and I am so looking forward to doing it for my grandchildren. Answering questions about my life for them to one day read. Capturing memories of times and way and lives gone by. Different cultures, continents, customs. There is quite a lot to talk about!

 I have now exhausted myself with all this talk of stuff I need to do every single day for a year, and I am the one who found blogging for 60something days straight quite a challenge. Hah. I am QUITE sure I will manage the first few goals. Of course I will. It doesn't matter that this year is 366 days long.

And it is only the 2nd of January.


Vee said...

Oh you do have some plans. They all sound good. Knowing you, they'll be accomplished, too.

Pam said...

Happy New Year. I've just read your last few posts. You're such a lovely positive person. An inspiration.

Stripeyspots said...

I love all those ideas.

Needled Mom said...

They sound like good goals! I forgot that it is a leap year.

Anonymous said...

You go girl ! Looking forward to hearing about it all and maybe seeing the results. Good luck and who knows, others may follow your good example.

Donnetta said...

These sound like some fun goals. I have never heard of the "one line diary" but it sounds very interesting. You'll have to keep us posted as to how it's going.